Chapter 3

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*3rd Person POV*

     "Give me lady Mackenzie!" Thor yelled after Loki.

     Mackenzie still laughed until her stomach hurt. They got weird looks from the passing people as the people they trust their lives to ran down the road chasing after Loki for Mackenzie. Mackenzie looked at Loki, a Cheshire grin on her face, stretching from ear to ear. "I don't like that look on you, it scares me." Loki stated.

     She laughed, she twisted and got out of his grip before running forward. "Now none of you have me!" She yelled behind her.

     "I would totally hulk out if we weren't in the middle of the city and I didn't want to scare her." Bruce said.

     The others laughed. They chased her down the road, Vision flew quickly, catching up to her, then holding her tightly in his arms. He flew up above the Avengers. "Is there anything behind me?" Tony asked.

     Steve turned around. "Clear a path!" He yelled, as Tony flicked his wrists.

     Pieces of his suit started to come at him, attaching to him. Once it was assembled, he flew up to Vision. "Give her to me, lets play a game with the boys." He said.

     "Alright Stark, but let's play on the ground so it's fair."

     Tony nodded. "Guys don't forget about me." Mackenzie cut in.

     "Sorry sweetheart, you up for it?" He asked.

     "Well duh, I just didn't want to feel left out." She stated, rolling her eyes.

     Tony laughed. He flew down in front of them. "Come get her!" He yelled.

     "You did not team up on us!" Rhodey yelled.

     "Wait Stark, fly up over them." Mac said.

     He did as she said and hovered over them, "Now what? He asked. 

     "Drop me."

     He looked at her shocked. "What? Why?"

     "Just trust me!"

     He let go of her and she dropped. Thor caught her, handing her to Steve, while he went running down the street. "You with us now?" He asked her.

     "Yep." She said smiling, "I'm with whoever has me obviously."

     "Mine now!" Sam said, running past, grabbing her and putting her over his shoulder.

     "See, I'm with him now!" She yelled over his shoulder, lifting herself up.

     They played their game for another hour, running across the city and passing her around, they started passing Wanda around too. She ended with the Vision, while Mac ended with Rhodey. "We still have out Subway, we should go eat." He suggested.

     They all agreed and as they walked Mackenzie walked between Tony and Wanda, the Vision on Wanda's other side, the other guys behind them. They had all decided they liked her, as more then a friend, they just didn't tell each other.

*Bruce's POV*

     I watched as Tony turned his back to her and crouched down a little, putting his arms behind him. She jumped onto his back and he held her legs, making my blood boil with jealousy. He started to run forward, her hair flowing behind her, even though it was in a ponytail.

     "Come on guys!" Wanda yelled.

     We all started running too, and got back to the tower pretty quickly. When we got to the door Tony put Mac down and we all walked in.

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