Chapter 7

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*Steve's POV*

     I stepped out of the limo, Happy just dropped me off at the zoo to pick up Mac's package. I stepped out into the hot summer air and looked around. A man started to walk towards me, he had curly blond hair and green eyes. Little glasses covered his eyes and he wore a orange zoo uniform.

     He was walking towards me, quite quickly. He stopped in front of me. "Captain Rogers, it's a pleasure to meet you, you must be here for Ms. Stark's package."

     I extended my hand out and he shook it. "Yes I am, I would like to hurry and get it, I have to get back to work."

     Truth is, I didn't actually have time to come get it, but it was Mac. I couldn't say no to Mac, and she's been worried about her tests, so when she sounded happy, I could feel her beautiful smile through the phone, and I couldn't say no. "Follow me sir, I have the package."

     I followed him to a small office that looked into the elephant cage. I didn't understand why she needed a package from the zoo, but I figured Fury ordered it, and I stopped questioning Fury a long time ago.

     There was a large wooden crate on the desk, a couple holes in it. I looked in one, but it was to dark to see inside. "Here's your package Captain Rogers."

     I picked up the crate, it would be heavy, if I wasn't a super soldier, but it felt pretty light to me. "Is this it?"

     "Yes sir, you're free to go."

     His eyes were wide, and I could tell he was trying to contain his excitement. "Thank you." I said, and walked out.

     I headed back to the limo and carefully slid the crate in, before sitting next to it. Happy was looking at me, a huge grin across his face. "Ready to go sir?"

     "Yes." I replied simply.

     He started to drive and we got back to the tower pretty quickly. I walked in and went to the elevator, it stopped on floor 69 and Loki walked in. He looked at the crate, and a huge smirk went across his face. "What's in the box?" He asked.

     "Something for Mac's testing." I explained.

     "Oh." He sounded like he was trying to hold in a laugh as he looked at the box.

     The elevator stopped and slid open, so we walked out. Tony looked at me, rolling his eyes. "Mac told me to have you open it so it can get some air."

     I looked at him and nodded slowly, setting the crate down on the floor. Loki watched me carefully as I pried off the lid. When I opened it, something jumped onto me, pushing me backwards onto the floor. I heard Loki and Tony laughing and then another voice joined in. Mackenzie. "What the hell is that?" I heard Clint ask.

     Mackenzie walked out and picked up the thing that jumped on me. It was a lion cub, she had a lion cub. "What does this have to do with your testing?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.

     "Nothing to do with my tests, it was testing to see what you would for me." She said, her smile once again lighting up the room.

     I felt heat rise up my neck and to my cheeks as red crawled across them. I looked at the floor, noticing Tony eyeing me carefully. I then realized I was still sitting on the floor. She walked over to me, extending a hand out. I grabbed it she pulled me up.

     My cheeks were still red so my eyes stuck to the ground. "You know what we should do tonight." Bucky said, breaking the silence.

     We all looked at him. "Karaoke, we haven't done it in forever."

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