Little Things A Louis Tomlinson Fanfic

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  • Dedicated to Louis Tomlinson

              Ella's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon when I was walking to my 5 year old brothers party. It was a ninja party. The kids were wildly screaming jumping and fighting when I got there. Whereas on the other side, girls were having a tea party in princess  dresses. It was chaos. The boys using the girls princess wands to whack the girls on the head, and the gir;s screaming. Where was Mom?! "Please be quiet." I said. And they were. "Cake time!" I said. They rushed to the table and we lit the candles. I heard an angel's voice. I looked up to see a cute guy with brown hair, and he was wearing stripes. I blushed when he catched my gaze. His eyes were amazing. I went back inside my house to grab a drink when he opened the door for me. Polite. I thought. "Thank You. I'm Ella." I said. "No problem. I'm Louis." he said. He had a Brittish accent.  "I don't think I know you..relations?" Louis smiled. "Oh my sisters are over there. The twins. Pheobe and Daisy." he said. "What drink are you getting?" he asked. "Oh I don't know. You choose!" I said. I turned around and he handed me a Ginger Ale which was my absulote favorite.  "Thanks!" I said. He got the message that it was my favorite after I took gulps and gulps of it. We had small talk. He said that  he had been on a big trip with his friends Niall, Harry, and Zayn. I told him about my family. "I'm hungry!"  he suddenly shouted. He had spunk. I liked that. "You choose." he said. I scanned the  food. Crackers, cheese, celery, carrots, and hummus. Carrots. Perfect. "Carrots for you!" I said. Louis started jumping up and down excitedly. "You know me! you really do!"

**Author's Note**

The girl, Ella does not know about One Direction-YET.  Happy reading! Your feedback helps!                 -Sincerly Jgal1234

Louis' POV:

That girl was simply incredible. I was suprised that she didn't know about 1D. But I kind of wanted a normal girl that cared for me as person, not a pop star. Elenour had done that job, but we just didn't have that magic anymore. I ruffled the girls hair and she laughed and blushed. She was simply adoreable. She loves the movie Grease, just like me. We were so far friends. But I wanted to be MORE than that. She was perfect. From tead to toe. We decided to play Sing It! and I had a close call when she asked who One Direction was, and I said, "Oh some boy band." which wasn't exactly lieing..." you free tonight?" I said.  "Yes!!!!!" she squealed, trying to keep in excitement as I could tell. "Meet me at my flat. We can watch a movie or something.." I said. And then I handed her my card. Which said my name and address with a picture of me doing the james bond thing with a gun. She laughed her adoreable laugh.  "See you there! I have to go Lou!" she said. "Oh I'm sorry!" she said. "No I love it! You can call me whatever yuo want elle." I said. She smiled. "Bye Lou!"

That three letter word made everything happier. I loved her.

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