Chapter 9

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"I need help!" Orville said, struggling to make the next move.
Their opponent, or ghost if you'd like, was close to winning, getting closer to checkmate.
"We'd like to but we can't," Adiba said.
"What do you mean, of course you can, just take my place and you can still keep playing," Orville said, her eyes focused on the chess board.
"What she means is that we can't move," Cameron clarified.
Orville turned around to look at them, only to see her friends frozen in their chairs, their bodies not making any sudden movement.
Adiba tried her best to look at the chess board, but to no avail. Same with Cameron.
"Sorry, Orville but it looks like you're on your own," Adiba said.
Orville panicked. Can she do this?
"Alright, guess it's just me, myself, and I," Orville said nervously, starting to make her next move.
Luckily, she had managed to backtrack his/her attempt to make a checkmate, and Orville let out a sigh of relief.
He/she made its move, getting back on track.
Orville's eyes widened in panic.
"Uh, guys! I don't think I can do this."
"Yes you can Orville, I-we trust you. Just relax alright, you look like as if your life depended on it," Cameron told Orville in hopes to calm her down.
Orville felt her chest swell with pride.
She confidently made her next move, giving her an advantage.
After about, anxious 5 minutes, Orville closed her eyes.
"Here goes nothing."
Both Adiba and Cameron got released from their binds, and they got up, blinking.
"We won!" Orville said, jumping up and down.
She hurriedly hugged Adiba and hugged Cameron longer.
Adiba went to the glowing chessboard, and she got the piece from under It.
The book appeared beside the chessboard.
Adiba picked the book up and walked back to the others, who were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't even notice her.
Adiba cleared her throat.
They quickly turned to face her, and they immediately stopped talking.
"Let's get out of here before the--"
Adiba had started but got cut off by someone knocking down the door.
"You have got to be kidding me right now!?" Cameron said, clearly annoyed.
"My patience has run out! G--"
It was now Adiba's turn to cut in.
"Ya, ya, we know. 'Give me the piece and the book', but you must know that even if you tell us to give it to you, we won't."
He looked as if he was on the verge of breaking.
"I warned you," the man said.
He snapped his fingers, and a powerful gust of wind knocked them off their feet.
"What the heck!? No one told us about this!" Cameron groaned from the floor.
Adiba had accidently dropped the book, the piece had luckily stayed in her clenched hand.
He used his hands and motioned the wind, manipulated it, to pick the book up and bring it towards him.
Orville, who was the closest, tried to grab the book but it slipped from her hands due to the strong wind.
He grinned maniacally, making the three nervous and a bit scared.
"Haha! Finally, I can now destroy this book. She shall be extinct!"
He then used his wind to start 'destroying' the book, tearing each page.
Before he could even do anything, Priyal came back, and she threw a rock, the size of a fist, at the man's head.
"Ahh! Who threw that!?" the man exclaimed, almost dropping the book.
Cameron took this moment to do something while he was distracted.
"This is payback!"
Cameron tackled the man down, and the book came right back down to the ground.
Orville quickly grabbed it.
Cameron then started to slap him, punching, kicking, and shoving .
Adiba took out the piece from her cloth.
Priyal took Cameron off of the man and she pushed him toward the two girls.
"You have to hurry up! Go now!" Priyal shouted.
More of her buddies appeared by her side, and they all started to hit him.
Adiba quickly placed the piece on top of the book and the book absorbed the piece.
They then went back to the dark place, leaving the man in fury.
"Priya said we have to hurry up," Cameron said, adrenaline pumping in his veins.
"We have to go!"
Orville nodded in agreement.
"This is the last piece, alright. After this, we bring back the author and our lives will go back to normal. Remember, let's just get this over with."
Adiba got up. "I'm ready, flip the page if you want," Adiba said, throwing them the book.
Orville caught it, and the first thing she did was flipping it to the next and last civilization.
The book glowed, and each of them got transported to the civilization, the last destination.
"This is it," Cameron announced when they all got up.
They all looked around, looking at the houses and stores that were there.
Ancient Chinese houses were built using sun-dried bricks, wood and pounded earth, very often around a central courtyard. There are a number of ancient architectural types, including Siheyuan and Tulou, with most stressing the importance of "feng shui," which is defense and harmony with the natural environment, Adiba thought as she was looking at the houses.
"Ancient China," Adiba announced.
She looked down to see what she was wearing.
In early China, poor people made their clothes of hemp or ramie, which is a plant like nettles. Rich people wore silk. Most people in China, both men and women, wore their hair long.
Apparently they were 'rich' so they wore a silk long tunic down to the ground, with belts
Cameron wore shorter ones down to his knees.
During the Sui Dynasty in the 500s AD, the emperor decided that all poor people had to wear blue or black clothes, and only rich people could wear colors.
Most people in China, both men and women, wore their hair long. People said that you got your hair from your parents and so it was disrespectful to cut it.
27 minutes...
"Alright," Adiba finally said.

"Lets find this last piece and finish this off."

26 minutes...

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