Ch. 2

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Why do I keep the alarm clock anyway, it's not like I need it.

As I slowly walk down the stairs I hear Sophia's rusty truck coming through the old gate. It's not really her truck, it's actually mine, but when did I ever use it. It sat in the drive way for over 30 years and when she asked for the old thing I didn't think twice about it.

"Hey Mr. Hyde, can I have some breakfast, cause I have to leave early for work?"

"Yeah, there's puffs in the fridge", I yelled back.

Never in my life have I seen Sophia with a boy, and I made her promise that she could only get a boyfriend when I was dead. So trust me, when I saw her walk up with a nice looking young man, arm draped over her, I almost had a heart attack and died on this porch. And do you know what he dare said to me...


And I just walked away into the house.

Who was this boy? Does she like him?

I will beat this boy if there's been any funny business.

I walked into the small bathroom and locked myself in there. I hear Sophia calling my name from the living room, but I don't respond. Can I let you in on a secret, even a 70 year old man can have tantrums.

Soon I hear the young man come to the bathroom door and bang on it. After a few seconds he clears his throat, "...did I do something wrong sir?..."

It was a very simple question, the poor boy just wanted to know why I rejected him. But what I did was not about him. It was about Sophia. It was about the first time I held her in my arms in the hospital, the time her parents were admitted to the hospital because her selfish father got in a meaningless fight with her mom and caused a wreck, it was the time she first hugged me, it was the first time she had a friend over, it was her first soccer tournament, it was her first grade card, it was her first car, and now this. I had just realized she's no longer a 5 year old girl with lop-sided pigtails anymore, and that it seems like day by day she's never changed, but when I look a year ago, nothing's the same.

It hit me like a brick when I realized she won't need me much longer.

So no, son, you didn't do anything wrong. Its just the mind of a 70 year old man, at its finest.

As I sat on the toilet I replied to this man with a simple word, "No"

That's all I had to say, that young man had his question answered but when would I get mine answered?

Will Sophia leave me like her?

Sophia's voice snaps me out of my thoughts when her yelling starts again. I hear the young man's click of footsteps as he leaves the outer door frame.

"Ok, Mr. Hyde I have to go to work, but we'll talk about this later" said Sophia,

And within a couple seconds the house falls quiet.

I unlock myself from the bathroom and wobble to the porch.

The last thing I see before I drift to sleep is that ugly green wonderful table.


Sorry that the update took a long time, I get writers block VERY easily. And I'm lazy.



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