Immortality, Marriage, and Family

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You hummed as you were making some brownies, around yourwaist was a apron in the pattern of the Swedish flag and along withyour bracelet that proclaimed you as the personification of Stockholmyou also wore a (silver/gold) ring that bedecked the ring finger ofyour left hand. It held a sapphire and a topaz, Susan wore a matchingring that held three gems, a (birthstone), (favorite gemstone) and(gemstone that looks like your eyes).

Susan was away at a world meeting and soon she'd behome, than her sisters would be coming to have dinner with the two ofyou. You jumped as you felt a strong arm wrap around your torso andyou looked around shocked and gasped but relaxed on seeing Susan.

"Ah, Susan. You startled me, my love." You said andshe smiled at you leaning down to kiss you sweetly.

"I'm s'rry m'wife." She apologized nuzzling you andyou giggled.

"Susan! I'm making brownies, be careful." You cooedand she hummed her strong hand going up to squeeze one of yourbreasts and you gave a gentle moan. "Love, have you forgotten?"You asked as she hummed as if she didn't know what you were talkingabout. "We're having people over for dinner tonight; Norway,Denmark, Iceland and Finland?" You asked and she hummed nuzzlinginto you.

"So? We'll b' q'ick." She hummed nuzzling you andpulling your back flush against her front. She nipped yoru earcausing you to moan, "or l't th'm he'r." She added happily, "Idon't m'nd th'm kn'wing th't y'u 're m'ne." She nuzzled you andpicked you up.

"Wouldn't you rather I finished the brownies?" Youasked making sure you don't mess with the batter. Putting the spoondown you moved to cuddle.

"Nej. (No.) I'd r'ther e't y'u." She smirked causingyou to blush darkly as she chuckled, "y'ur so c'te." She hummedat you and you groaned nuzzling into your chest.

"Susan!" You complained with a giggle at how shecould be.

Iknow this is a bit short but I hope it was a nice way to tie up thisstory.

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