The News

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3 months after the battle of Endor, Han and Leia bought a house on the planet, Han had proposed to Leia and they were planning to marry in a year, Leia had some important news she still needed to tell to Han

(From Leia's point of view)
I entered the house to see Han sitting there on the couch talking with Chewbacca through a hologram "No, Chewie, you don't get it, me and Leia are going to marry" Han said to Chewbacca just before noticing me entering the house "Oh, hey Leia" Han said with a smile while turning off the hologram projector "Han, i need to tell you something" I said with a smile, I was very worried for his reaction, but i told him "H-Han... I am.... Pregnant" I said with a slight stutter, I looked him in the eyes looking if i could see what he was feeling "That.... That... Is amazing" Han said with a smile, I was sure he was not lying I wanted to something but i couldn't... He kissed me before i could "So, this scoundrel will be a dad?" Han said with a laugh "Somehow, yes" I said while looking him into his beautiful hazel eyes, that always was a weakness to me, even if he was acting like a scoundrel, I couldn't resist how beautiful his eyes were and forgave him for everything, I hoped that our child wouldn't have his eyes, or else I would literally let them do everything because of the eyes "We'll both just have to wait nine months" I said with a smile "And if they're twins? Does that mean it is eighteen instead of nine?" Han said with a serious expression on his face, I noticed that he meant it seriously "No, Han, it's not like that at all" I said with a laugh "Oh, good, because i can't wait that long" Han said with a slight chuckle "Let's just hope the nine months will be safe nine months" I said with a smile "Ofcourse, the Empire has been shattered" Han said with a smile "True" I said before kissing him back

(From Han's point of view)
I couldn't believe what i was hearing, me, a father? I would've never thought that when i was still a smuggler "I love you" I just said, I was happy, but worried at the same time, worried that it would go wrong "I know" Leia replied with a smile, I looked at that smile, I always loved to see that smile, it was so beautiful, she said what I had said to her just before I was frozen in Carbonite on Cloud City "I know" I thought with a smile, I was still shocked that i would become a father, I was sure it happened that one time on the Falcon, the Falcon was never as hot as it was on that moment, I laughed thinking about that "Why are you laughing?" Leia asked with a smile "Nothing.. Just thinking about me being a dad" I said with a laugh

(From Leia's point of view)
It was a few days later and I had to go to a New Republic Senate meeting, just before I was about to go to my ship to leave when I saw Luke there walking "Hey, Luke" I said with a smile "Hello, Leia, how are you?" Luke said while pulling the hood of his cloak off his head "I am alright, pregnant but alright" I said with a laugh "Wait... Pregnant? I didn't know that i was going to be an uncle" Luke said with a slight chuckle, I was surprised, I thought Han already would've told everyone on Endor, but he didn't "Yes, you are going to be an uncle" I said with a smile "But, i have to go" I added with a smile while walking away into my ship, I sat down in the passenger seat and the pilot was ready to fly into space, we bursted into space and were ready to go to Hosnian Prime

After a few hours I heard an explosion in the ship, the pilot had heard it and ran to the hyperdrive, completely shattered, there was another explosion, this one was so big that the ship broke in half, I knew that the pilot was dead and that i would not be far from sharing his faith, I saw that the ship was losing attitude, it was crashing into one of the planets, but it was crashing with an immense speed...

Nine Months, A HanLeia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now