The Imperial Blockade

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(From Han's point of view)
Me and Leia were now in the Falcon, safe, it felt good to have saved her, It was a relief "How are you?" I asked her with a smile, She looked at me, she was still a little bit angry for some reason "I'm alright" She said with a slight smile "I hope she really is alright" I thought with a sigh "Don't sigh, I really am alright" Leia said with a smile, I believed her "Well, let's go back to the base" I said with a smile "Let's go back to the base" Leia said repeating me, I got the Falcon into the air and shortly after that, outer space, I suddenly noticed a blockade of Star Destroyers "Oh no, an Imperial blockade" I said with a worried tone "Don't worry, Just go into lightspeed... Right..." Leia said with a pause "NOW!" Leia shouted, I immediately afterwards got the Falcon into lightspeed

A few hours later we landed on Endor, completely safe, I saw look standing there, I got out of the Falcon "Luke, Leia is here... Safe" I said with a smile "That's great" Luke said with a sigh of relief "Where is she?" Luke added with a smile "She is still in the Falcon" I said with a sigh "Her brother.... I still can't believe it" I though with a laugh while looking at Luke walking into the Falcon

(From Leia's point of view)
I saw Luke entering the Falcon "Hey, Luke" I said with a smile before giving him a hug "Hey, Leia" Luke said with a big smile "What is he doing here?" I thought with a slight laugh "Well... Umm... I'm coming to ask you if you maybe want to... Be trained by me" Luke said with a slight stutter, I noticed he had read my mind "No... Not really" I said with a smile, Luke seemed to be kinda irritated by that decision, he walked away out of the Falcon

A few months later my abdomen has grown absolutely huge, I knew it would be a boy, I had sensed it a few weeks before, I felt like today was the day I would give birth of him, I saw some Ewoks playing outside when I randomly fainted

A few hours later I woke up in the medical bay, I was about to give birth of him, I didn't notice that Han was there "Where is Han?" I said with a desperate tone "I'm here, sweetheart" Han said with a smile, a few minutes later my son was there "What is the name?" The doctor asked "Ben" I said, I could barely breathe "Alright, Ben Solo has been born" The medical said, he handed Ben over to me "Hello, little Solo" I said witha big smile on my face, when Ben just was handed over to me, he opened his eyes, I looked him in the eyes, he had my eyes "One day... you will be the most powerful Jedi ever" I said to Ben

(29 years later, the present)

It was all just a day dream again, I was in the control room of the Resistance base, it was Ben's 29th birthday, a special age for her and Han, the age Han was when I got rescued by him, I suddenly felt something, Ben was suffering terrible pain "I'm being torn apart, I want to be free of this pain, and I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it, will you help me?" I heard him say, I suddenly heard the voice of Han "Yes, anything" I heard Han say "Han, no, it's a trap" I thought with a sigh, I started to feel really nervous, until I heard the sound of a lightsaber and... shortly after... the scream of a Wookiee, I knew Han was gone, I didn't realize until I feel him falling off the bridge he was standing on, I immediately sat down in my seat "When our son is 29, I will be so proud of him that I will give him the Falcon and my DL-44" I heard Han say, he said that just after Ben was born "That day..... will never come" I thought before I started to cry, I rarely ever did... although I would miss Han so much....but at the same time... I forgave Ben...

The end...

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