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Halla's POV

Mingyu is with someone else now, I'm thankful to JungKook cause he's always there when I'm feeling down

" Halla here's your excuse letter" My mom said giving me an envelope, it's for the school I might be absent on Monday because you know I'm going to the orphanage for two days

" Thanks mom" I said

" You better sleep now" My mom said

" But it's Friday tomorrow" I said

" It doesn't matter" My mom said so I went to my room then lay down on my bed then I decided to call JungKook



" Nothing, I'm still not sleepy but mom wants me to sleep"

" Are you going to school tomorrow??"

" Of course, why wouldn't I??"

" I just thought that-----"

" It's just a young heartbreak, I told you before I've been through worst"

" Fine"

" Thanks for the ice cream by the way"

" It's nothing"

" Talk more"

" You should sleep now, it's getting late"

" Would you sleep if I sleep??"

" Uh-ha"

" But I can't sleep"

" I can't sing, my throat hurts"

" Are you alright??"

" I'm fine"

" You should rest too"

" I'll sleep if you sleep"

" Fine, Goodnight"

" Goodnight"

He said then hung up, is there any magic in his voice because everytime I hear his voice I can fell myself falling asleep just like tonight

~~~ skip to morning~~~

" Mom, I'm leaving" I said going out of the house

" Okay sweetie, come home early so that you can prepare your clothes" My mom said

" Okay mom" I said then closed the door then I went out of the gate and guess who's here early

" Good morning pabo" He said smiling

" Good morning Bunny Teeth" I smiled back

" Pabo, do you remember what you did last night to me??" He said then we started walking

" Yes, I kissed.....your.........cheek!!!!" I shouted stopping from walking

" Uh-ha" He said teasing me

" Eeeeeeeewwwww!!!!" I said wiping my lips

" You're overreacting, you like it though" He said raising an eyebrow

" I don't, it's disgusting" I said catching up to him. We continued walking with him teasing me until we reached the school

" Stop teasing me" I said hitting his arm then I run to our room and when I opened the door, JungKook closed it and he grabbed my wrist then he dragged me to the rooftop

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