drunk madness

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Chapter 6

Mark and I were partying for a couple of hours now and he was really drunk i wasn't that much because i wasn't a big drinker and captain Morgan and Dr. Pepper wasn't by favorite beverage in the world. It was about quarter to 1:00 in the morning and I was tired out and ready for bed, "Mark I think thats enough drinks for tonight, its getting late and I'm tired plus, your super drunk" I said, we were sitting on the couch and Mark was laying down with his head on my lap, " no i-m not goin-g to the um da bed thingy, I is not as y-ou drunk i am" he said, I could barley make out what he said because his words were slurred and he stuttered a lot, "come on Mark time for bed" I said as I started to sit him up, "no I is not going to bed" he started to raise his voice at me, I'm used to this happing to me I've been in this situation were I have a drunk yelling at me so I was prepared for the worse.

"Mark you need to go to bed your drunk and your exhausted" I said and I raised my voice back, "NO IM NOT I-I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT AND U CAN'T STOP ME" he screamed at me, he stood up and threw his bottle at the wall and it shattered to pieces onto the floor, "Mark what the fuck is wro-" I was cut off when he pushed me onto the floor now I was scared of Mark because I didn't know what he was going to do to me.

He walked over and leaned down and grabbed the collar of my shirt, "listen here women, I'm gunna do whatever the fuck I-I want to because you can't te-ll me how to live my life" he stuttered, he let go of my shirt and grabbed his jacket, put on his boots and stumbled out of the house, I got up and ran to the door to try to stop him but when I got outside he was gone, I tried to call his phone but he had left it in his room on his desk, I went back inside and cleaned up the glass and cleaned the rest of the house, once I did that I sat on the couch and cried worried to death about Mark.

I was worried, Mark was outside at 1:00 in the morning wondering around drunk and pissed off, I was scared he was going to piss off some gang member and get his ass either beat or worse, killed. I decided to go out and find him and sense I couldn't drive I would have to walk so I grabbed my shoes, my phone and my jacket and went out to find him.

I checked all the places where he could be but no sign of him anywhere I even woke up Bob and Wade and they said they would go out and try to find Mark, It was becoming later I checked the time and it was 2:30 in the morning and Mark was no where to be found and I was getting more and more worried and scared, what scared me the most was that a gang got ahold of him and beat him or killed him. I continued walking down the street looking for any sign of Mark but still nothing, it was a ghost town at 2:30 in the morning there wasn't anybody out and only a few cars now and then plus it was really dark so it was hard to see and the only light I had was the street lamps which made the atmosphere dark and creepy.

As I was walking I noticed I was passing a park, I decided to check there and it was probably the most darkest and creepiest part of town at night but I had to check to see if Mark was there. I walked in and I felt the cold chill of someone watching me up my spine and ad much as it bothered me I did all I could to ignore it. I walked forward when I heard a noise about 20 feet away from me it sounded like slurred words of someone, I walked towards the noise and turned on my phone for light. The thing making that noise was Mark he was sleeping on a park bench with a puddle of puke next to him.

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