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     NAOMI WAS A LOST CAUSE and that was prominent from the beginning. Her eyes were soulless and dull. She was like a washed out photograph. The scientists felt no remorse for the girl. Instead, they found her instability desirable for their project. With a few hundred thousand dollars, Naomi was in their clutches.

There was no response from the girl for the first few weeks. This allowed the scientists to prod around her. On the fourth week of her arrival, she struck out. When the head doctor, Hans von Bender, approached her to take a blood sample, she lashed out and started to scream in despair.

"He's alive! The car swerved, he's okay! Please don't hurt me! I DIDN'T KILL HIM!"

The scientists craved for that sort of person. A person who they could use to shape the world. A person that was already broken down. It was much too tedious to use someone who could think. And Naomi Hart had been broken enough for the scientists to build their own soldier. Their story of helping the girl was merely propaganda. The whole idea of Electoro Industries was to create a soldier of the future. With an assassin, void of emotion and decision, they would have the world at their mercy.

Unfortunately for the scientists, Naomi held her ground firmly. When they touched her, she bit their fingers. When they got too close, she spit at them. When they tried to restrain her, she thrashed around until they gave up and continued their attempts the next day. She kept fighting back, keeping them at bay. That is, until the tests began. She tried to fight them off, but they were too strong and way too many.

She was moved from the small containment room to a laboratory that became her 'home' for the next few years.

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