Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Soubhan7😘 You're such an amazing guy XD **********************************
Miklum was bored. He rolled his eyes as his companion Blaivus, who was on patrol duty with him, kept on talking about something which he had no idea about.

" And then this girl, Anne, has to share her room with Mr. Dussel, who by the way is very ungrateful -"

" Hmm. "

" He tells her about all that is happening in the outside world, which is very disturbing by the way -"

" Mmhmm."

" Did you know that they captured and tortured women and children too, only because they were Jews ? "

" Oh," Miklum said wondering what in the world were Jews. He wasn't very good in the parallel world's history and terminologies unlike his companion.

" Yeah, they had these kind of camps where - "

" Blaivus, do you hear that ? "

" - they brought all the captured Jews and -"

Miklum slapped his hand over his partner's mouth to make him shut up. He raised his index finger to his lips to signal him to keep quiet. Blaivus, getting the message, immediately paid attention and it was then that he could hear the rustling nearby as if someone or something was approaching fast towards them. They both drew out their swords and scurried off in opposite directions to camouflage themselves. Miklum waited anxiously, his mind racing with hundreds of questions. They are not supposed to be in this part of the woods. How come we didn't get any reports on this?. He was pulled out of his thoughts when the noise sounded closer than ever and he could make out a dark figure if he squinted his eyes.

He knew Blaivus was waiting for his signal to attack but he wanted to make sure there was only one of them. He did not intend to take on a whole army of them. He was startled when Blaivus suddenly jumped from his hiding spot and shouted , "Vientis?"

The approaching figure was just as startled and stopped dead in his tracks. It was only when he came a little closer that Miklum recognized him as another one of his comrades. What in the world...

" Oh Blaivus ! Thank Ithaka I found you ! Where is Miklum ? I - " Vientis started but was cut off.

" The both of you are a disgrace to Dirva," Miklum said calmly coming into view from his hiding spot. He put away his sword and gave them both a cold stare. Before any of them could say anything, he pointed his finger to Vientis and said, " You ! Even an army of toddlers would make less noise than you. Keep this up, and I assure you, you won't even last till the big war."

" And you !" Miklum continued, his attention now on Blaivus, " That is no way a Kareivi should behave. Even if it is a friend, you should know better than to give away your location. Perhaps the both of you should go back to training."

" Miklum," Vientis said, ignoring what he said and  stepping forward, " We've been searching for you everywhere. Vadas Jausman ordered everyone to find you."

" Vadas?"Miklum wondered what the commander wanted with him.

" Yes, that's why I was in such a hurry. Irezti told me you were patrolling the Eastern part of the woods but I -"

" Vientis,"Miklum said, cutting off his rambling, " Why did Vadas ask for me?"

" Oh.Right.You will never guess who returned," Vientis said smiling a bit proudly.

" Who?" Blaivus asked as he was curious now and also because he could see that Miklum was getting irritated.

" Narsun. He came back with -"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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