The White Rabbit

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Taking a beer out of the fridge, I walked back into the WaveRiders common room, Ray, Kendra and Carter sat on the couch, talking about every little detail of our last mission. Stein was asleep in what he has deemed "his chair", Sara and Jackson sat at the small table and played cards, it looked like War, Rip sat in one on the other chairs pretending he wasn't nodding off. And than there was Mick, sitting in probably the comfiest chair in the room, smiling I went and sat on the floor by his feet.

     Sighing I leaned back against his leg and passed the beer up to him, "thanks babe" he said taking the beer. Hearing snickering I look over at Jax and Sara, who seem to find my interaction with Mick funny.

     "Something funny" I asked looking over at them, and smiled when they both shook there heads no quickly and went back to their game.

    "So Snow you still up for what we talked about" Mick asked me placing his hand on my head lovingly

    "If you are big boy" I said rubbing his leg, by now we were being stared at by everyone, even Stein had woken up.

   I was about to address the group when I fell back against the chair, startled I got up and noticed Mick was gone and he wasn't the only one, they were all gone. Before I could even begin processing what was going on I heard the pitter patter of little feet.

   "I'm late, oh dear me I'm late" came a voice turning towards the direction of the voice, and saw a little white rabbit in a vest looking at a pocket watch, when he saw me he really took off, not thinking I followed the hare but just as I was about to grab him I fell.

   The world beneath my feet fell apart and I began falling 'down the rabbit hole' as I fell I passed by the weirdest of things, one being a policeman stuck in a jail cell, not even noticing the fire around him, I snickered, then there was a tea set and then the floor.

   "Dammit" I growled and laid there for a minute trying to catch my breath, and then I heard the pitter patter of little feet, but before I could get up he ran right over me

   "You do that again you'll be a winter hare" I drawled

   "Oh do forgive me, it's just I'm so late" he said as I sat up and watched him fly through a tiny door that slammed shut behind him.

    I just laid back down staring at the ceiling, I always hated the 'Alice in Wonderland" stories but Lisa loved listening to me read them to her so I was always stuck reading them to her, and now I'm stuck in the story.

   'I could either lay here and wait to wake up, which might never happen if I don't do the idiocy, or I could just do the idiocy of I need to or not, might as well do something well I'm here and who knows maybe there's things I can steal here, Sighing I got up and looked for the shrinking potion that Alice used.

  It didn't take long to spot the tiny bottles sitting on the table, a sign that "drink me" rolling my eyes I reached for the bottle but before I could grab it a large mirror appeared on the adjacent wall.

  I almost fell over at my reflection, gone was leather attire, and in its place was Alice's dress from the cartoon, though I knew I could rock anything even this blue dress, it still was strange but so was this whole damn thing. So as I vainly do every morning in secret, I looked at my self from every angle and to be honest I felt like it looked good on me.

    Now that I was satisfied I reached over and grabbed one of the potions hoping it was the one to turn me small, if it was like the story I knew I had the right one. Popping it open I drank it in one gulp, it tastes horrible like putting a bunch of different flavored into one soda cup.

   I felt like I was going be sick as the room began spinning, but it stopped as fast as it started and I looked around and grinned when I noticed that me and the door where the same size. I immediately went to the door, and of course the doorknob was fast asleep.

    "Alright door time to wake up I need through" I drawled, a loud yawning noise escaped the door knobs mouth hole, and he opened his eyes and glared at me. "Your lucky your pretty" he said and opened up. Who would've know a doorknob was so vain, who knew I would feel so good from a compliment from a doorknob.

      The door shut with a bang behind me. Looking around I noticed I was in some sort of forest, "so I wonder if this is the Disney wonderland or book wonderland" I said out loud.

     "That is a good question but I have one of my own who are you?" Startled I turned around and saw a giant caterpillar sitting on a gigantic mushroom, it looked like the Disney one just without the bong.

      "Leonard Snart" I said looking at him

       "Well I do have to say Leonard Snarts are very pretty" he said grinning creepily at me. 'What kind of wonderland is this? A dating sim or something' I thought annoyed at being hit on twice now though I couldn't help but once again feel flattered at his compliment.

      I was about to actually thank the caterpillar before from the corner of my eye I noticed a mushroom on the ground that seemed to be running, without a second thought I scooped It up. I thought I would be face to face with a mushroom person but instead I was looking at a tiny Ray desperately holding onto the mushroom so he didn't  fall.  Sighing I put my hand under him and let him drop into it.

  "Oh my gosh Leonard it's so good to see you, by you I mean someone I know, but also because well it's you and I like you, not like that.." Little Ray squeaked

   I was about to reply when I realized that if I talked it would probably send him flying off my hand, so I signed to him with my other hand,

  'How did you get here' I signed moving him just so so he could see it, and then put him on my shoulder so he could answer

   "I don't know, one minute we were all talking, I began to feel sick and passed out and when I woke up I was alone in this mushroom field, and all the ones on the side I was on was poison so I went across the way grabbed one and began moving it across the road and then you picked me up" he said sounding more normal now that he was close to my ear.

   I sighed he doesn't seem perturbed at all that he is tiny without his suit. And that they were in a strange land, and was still tapping but I had tuned him out, I could feel him moving around on my shoulder and grimaced, especially after he walked to the edge of it and looked over.

   "Tall but not super tall, and oh wow your in an Alice in wonderland dress.. That means your Alice? So who am I? Or are we all not characters from the story and I love this look on you" he said as he climbed down my dress and dropped into my pocket, it was hard to see him but I believe he was blushing which made me blush. Which pissed me off even more,

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