Chapter Twenty

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• Max •

"I don't think this is right." I murmur to the boy sitting next to me. We're currently hiding behind some trees in the middle of the forest. The sun has set already so it's pretty dark and kind of cold. I don't know why I agreed to this.

"You weren't saying that when you agreed to come." The boy points out smugly.

"We shouldn't be here. Isn't it a bit intrusive?" I say, looking around. I swear I just heard something moving behind some trees.

"C'mon, Maxie, live a little. Christian's been pining after Evan for years and I want to know if Evan really likes him or if he's just playing with him. What's a better way to find out than watching how they act together on a date?"

I sigh and shake my head at Dean. I really, really shouldn't have agreed to this. Why are they having their date in the woods anyways? It's cold and dark and scary.

"What happened to you, Maxie? You used to be all cute and blushy around me, but now you're not." Dean asks curiously, turning to look at me. Thankfully it's too dark for him to see the blush that creeps up my cheeks.

"Don't call me that." I say, feeling embarrassed. The nickname doesn't help my blush at all. "I guess I just got used to you."

Dean pouts at me. "What does that mean? You're no longer charmed by my good looks and charisma?"

My eyes widen and my mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. "W-what do y-you mean?!"

There's no way Dean could know about my crush on him! I'm certain he wouldn't have brought me with him if he did. He probably wouldn't want anything to do with me.

"Never mind." He says with a smirk, turning back around and peeking around the tree that hides us from the boys.

"Are you getting cold?" He asks suddenly turning back to look at me. I shiver slightly and nod my head, hoping that he would just take us home.

"Okay, c'mon then." He says and stands up from his crouch slowly and quietly. I do the same and watch as he pulls off his jacket, handing it to me.

"W-what's this for?" I ask, holding it up confused.

Dean smiles in amusement, his dimple becoming more prominent. "I'm pretty sure you know what jackets are for, Maxie."

I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. "You need your jacket, I already have one on." I say, tugging on it for emphasis.

Dean starts walking ahead of me, glancing at me over his shoulder. "I'm fine. You need it more than me so just wear it."

Dean continues walking so I quickly put it on and hurry to catch up to him, keeping as quiet as possible. I would die if Evan and Christian found out about us spying on their date.

When we finally make it to Dean's car, I'm practically jumping for joy. I open the passenger side door and get into the car quickly while he does the same.

    I look out the window, just thinking, while Dean drives. It's pretty late and I'm super tired. At least today's Friday and not a school day. I sigh heavily and close my eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep.

*  *  *

    My eyes flutter open and I dart them around, confused. This is not my room, I note. I try to sit up on the bed I'm laying on, but something is holding me back. I look down and gasp when I see the muscular, dark brown arm around me.

The events of last night/early this morning slowly come back to me and ohmygosh I'm in bed with Dean!

My eyes widen and I swallow hard, tensing up. Dean grumbles and shifts around a bit, moving his chest closer to my back.

"Sleep well?" I hear him ask huskily. I suck in a deep breath and start turning around to face him, causing him to move his arms. Sadly.

"I did, actually." I admit, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks as I take in his shirtless chest. Thankfully his eyes are closed so he doesn't know I'm checking him out.

"Like what you see, Maxie?"

Spoke too soon.

Feeling uncharacteristically bold all of a sudden, I answer, "I sure do."

Dean finally cracks his eyes open and grins widely down at me. "I'm glad you admit it."

    My whole face heats up, even my ears. This whole situation is kind of surreal. What is even going on right now?

    "Why am I here?" I question and Dean pulls away from me completely. He sits up and covers his mouth with his hand, muffling a yawn.

    "Well," he says, "you fell asleep and the only thing I could do was bring you here."

    "Why didn't you just wake me up?" I ask and he shrugs.

    "I don't know, maybe I just wanted you in my bed." He replies, smirking.

I laugh nervously and sit up as well, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up and turn back around to look at him.

"Since you brought me here, you have to make me breakfast." I say. Dean raises his eyebrows and sits quietly for a minute, thinking. Suddenly he smiles widely.

"Okay." He says happily, getting out of bed. The blanket falls down and I get a nice long look of his bare legs before looking back up quickly. He's in nothing but boxers, and I can't say I hate the view.

He leaves the room and I follow him out. I'm still completely dressed, which I'm glad for. I don't know what I would do if Dean had undressed me.

We end up in the kitchen and I look around curiously. I've never been to Dean's house and it's really nice, not that that's surprising.

He goes to his fridge and opens it, before getting a cartoon of eggs and pulling it out. "I hope you like scrambled eggs. It's the only thing I know how to make that actually comes out edible."

I laugh and nod my head. "Eggs are good."

Dean cooks a bunch of scrambled eggs for us and we eat in silence. When I'm done, I turn to Dean to ask him what I should do with my plate, but he's already staring at me, a weird expression on his face.

"Now you owe me." He says. My eyes widen in confusion and I tilt my head to the side.

"For what?"

"For the breakfast and letting you stay over." He answers, watching me. I frown and shake my head.

"W-what do you want?" I question nervously, hating that my stutter decided to come back.

Dean smiles softly and leans in closer, whispering, "A kiss."

    My face burns. "What?! N-no way." I deny, shaking my head quickly.

     "Yes." He replies, leaning in closer and pressing his lips against mine.

A/N: a whole chapter just for Dean and Max, I hope you liked it! Honestly, I loved writing it and I think a whole story for them would be awesome but idk if I could do it.

Anyways, let me know what you think! As long as it's not rude or anything, of course.

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