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EVERYTHING AROUND HER WAS UP IN FLAMES. Well, in a metaphorical sense. There were no flames surrounding her, but in all honesty, she would have much rather had that than the scene before her. Rather than be in a situation that she couldn't control, one where she held no power. A situation where she wasn't the chaos, but the chaos was around her.

For as long as she could remember, she was the girl who caused trouble. The girl good students and good people alike avoided at all costs. The girl that parents saw as a demon, the girl her own parents saw as a crazed girl. A girl who had no care for anything going on around her as long as she had a drink in hand and a boy or girl to grind against. 

She was intricate web of beauty and deception, and everyone - no matter how good they were - always wanted to take a peak at the girl of destruction. Everyone saw a beautiful face, and thought they could fix her. When they saw her beautiful brown eyes and sweet smile, they saw a broken, self destructive girl. And yes, maybe she was creating her own destruction, but that was her choice. Everyone thought that they could be the one to catch her before she fell to her obliteration, thought that they could be the one to put together all of her pieces.

But when was she ever broken in the first place? It was always an assumption someone made about her. She wasn't broken, not in the slightest. She had a knack for getting in trouble, but that didn't mean she didn't still make honor roll and whatnot. Sure, she had her fair share of detentions and had a few run ins with the law, but she was tired of being a pawn in the game of life. She was sick of sitting still and not acting, so she took her life into her own hands. She chose to have fun, and anyone who thought that meant she was broken could be damned. What she was though, was misunderstood.

Yes, in every sense of the word, she adored chaos and destruction and disorder, but only as long as she was the one to create it. As she took in her surroundings now, she realized that maybe her love for destruction and insanity was not something to be proud of, and maybe that was because the mess at hand was far out of her control.

Her hands found themselves knotted in her hair, tearing feverishly at the strands as a scream clawed at the back of her throat. It became raw and strained and her knees began to lock from beneath her. She thought if she could tear herself out of her skin, out of this body, that none of this would be happening. That if she was no longer herself, she wouldn't feel this immense pain and suffering. She wouldn't be overwhelmed with the need to scream until there was no air left in her. She wouldn't want to deflate, becoming nothing but a shell of something that once was.

Her knees buckled in sheer shock and terror, and her body slowly swayed as if she were a twig against the winds of a hurricane. All at once, she collapsed, her body giving out from under her. Her hands fell to the ground, and she found that the space beneath her wasn't solid ground, but the warm body of someone beside her. 

That was all she could see around her. She was surrounded by the bloodied, mangled corpses of everyone she knew. In the distance she could see her ex girlfriend crumpled in a heap, bruises coating her tanned skin. A deep blue on tan, and she could see the droplets of stray blood plastered along her skin. The crimson mixed with the blues, creating the most disturbing carnage. To her left, she could see the face of her mother, her head busted open, skull clearly caved in. Her facial features had sunk in, and her skin was stained red as the blood flowed. It flowed and flowed and flowed. She was surrounded by anyone and everyone who she had once held an attachment to, all of them surrounding her, but none of them breathing.

None of them breathing except for whoever she was currently clutching. She let out a shuddering sob as she felt rise and fall of their chest, and she could hardly bring herself to look at their face. While she knew that they were alive, she could still feel the thick, hot blood that not only coated their chest, but now her hands.

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