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"W-what?" I stutter from my cheekbones to my neck I have the deepest shade of red coving my face,  the man stares at and all of a sudden the other Indian man bursts into tears and starts blabbering about love and marriage, "get your hands off of her!" Ciel  says as he comes over and grabs ahold of the male and pulled him away from me and the man looked between my blushing state and Ciel's angered form and smirked, "ah I see! you fancy her! I have an idea maybe she could sing some more!" says the purple haired man and Ciel blushes and angrily hits the man in the arm, "shut up you dimwit!" Ciel says and Sebastian came over and stands next to me, "this is Prince Soma and his butler Agni they come here often" says Sebastian as the male known as Soma rubbed his knuckles across Ciel's head.

"CCCCCCCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!" the most girly voice I have ever heard yelled out Ciel's name and soon a dash of pink, white and blonde came from the door and attacked Ciel, "oh Ciel I missed you! did you hear that wonderful voice! it was lovely! I with I could sing that well! Ciel who is this? is this the Lady who was singing!?" the girl covered in pink that had dashed inside asked as she looked at Sian, "haven't I seen you before?" the girl asked and then I remembered this is Ciel's Fiancé Elizabeth Milford also his cousin.

"no I am not but I play the guitar. my young Mistress Lady Caroline Grace is the singer " says Sian as she looks over at me and Elizabeth looks at me and her eyes sparkle, "she's so pretty!!!!!" she squeals and lets go of Ciel and runs at me, "Elizabeth!" Ciel says as Elizabeth hugs me and I swear something broke, " Need Air!" I gasp and Elizabeth let go instantly, "i'm so sorry!" she says and looks over my dress, "this is such a lovely dress! who made it where did you get it!" Elizabeth asks and pulls at my dress and runs her hand down my side making me jump away and accidently jump into Soma who caught me, "sorry!" I squeal as I try to get out of his grip but he just laughed and smiles, "it's quite alright your very light and you look like a princess when I hold you like this" he says and I blush dark red and Elizabeth started Squealing about how cute we are and Ciel look like he could explode.

"put. her. down!" Ciel yelled and Soma jumped and dropped me but Agni had caught me just in time, "are you alright Lady Caroline?" Agni asks and I nod and he sets me down as Soma stutters out a series of apologies, "oh dear are you alright?!" Elizabeth says as she looks me over and smiles, "you can call me Lizzy please do" she says as she smiles even wider when I nod, "okay Lizzy" I say and she laughs and hugs me, "can you sing for us again? something sad but romantic" Lizzy asks and I slowly nod and hold my hand out for Sian to hand me the guitar and she does and I sit down as does she as she sets her hands on the keys. "what's the name of the song?" Soma asks and I smile sadly, "the name is kiss it better" I say and Ciel looks at me as Lizzy drags everyone to the floor to watch.

I strum the guitar and start singing.

"he sits in his cell

and he lays on his bed.

covers his head

and closes his eyes.

he see's a smoking gun

and coward, he ran.

and in his arms

is the bleeding love of his life,

and she cried :

'kiss it all better,

I'm not ready to go.

It's not your fault love,

you didn't know,

you didn't know'

her hands are so cold,

and he kisses her face and says

'everything will be alright'

he noticed the gun and his rage grew inside.

he said 'i'll avenge my lover tonight'

and she cried : 'kiss it all better,

I'm not ready to go.

it's not your fault love.

you didn't know. you didn't know.'

now he sits behind prison bars,

twenty-five to life

and she's not in his arms.

he couldn't bring her back with a bullet to the heart

in the back of a man who tore his world apart.

he holds onto the memory...

all it is, is a memory. hey.

hey he cries :

' stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

' kiss it all better,

i'm not ready to go. it's not your fault love.

you didn't know. you didn't know.

(kiss it all better)

'stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

(kiss it all better)

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me.

stay with me until I fall asleep.

stay with me....."

I sing and at the end I have tears running down my face because that's my parents love life before I was taken. Lizzy is sobbing and so is Soma. Agni was sniffling and Sebastian looked sad as did Sian. Ciel looked at me with the softest look I've ever seen in my life, "THAT WAS SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!" cried Soma, Lizzy, Agni, Finny, Bard and Mayrin who had made their way into the music room after they heard.

"what was it about?" Sebastian asked as I he handed me a handkerchief and I wipe my eyes, " my parents. my mother had me before she was married to my father. and at their wedding when I was five, a man came a shot my mother threw the chest as she was saying her vows and the blood had gotten on my fathers white suit and well as the song says he held her and instead of her I was saying kiss it better" I say as I hold back more tears.

"i'm ready to retire" I say and walk quickly towards the door with Sian at my heels. as soon as I make it to my room I open the door and see the windows wide open the wind of a storm outside blowing hard and rain coming in, " Sebastian must have opened the windows!" Sian shouted over the wind as she shut the windows and she cleans all the soaked and dirt covered things in the room and then she gets me ready for bed and she blows out the candle after I get under the covers. I fall asleep soon after.

I've Loved you Sense The Day I Met you (Ciel Phantomhive Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now