I Love You . . . I Guess

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Hello People!!! Here is the prologue for I Love You . . . I Guess!!!!! In Case you don’t know, this is the sequel to my first story, I Hat You . . . I Think! You don’t have to read the first book to understand this one, but please check it out!!! I always love putting songs with my books, so the song for the prologue is Under My Bed by Meiko. Please read, comment, recommend, or vote. Thank you and please enjoy I Love You . . . I Guess! 

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Prologue: Scissors and Mullets


My scissors snap away on the hair in front of me. I have been cutting Mrs. Montgomery’s hair for a year now and no matter how many times I tell the lady to try a different hairstyle, she doesn’t listen to me. I don’t have the heart to tell her that her mullet looks like a dead rodent hanging off the back of her head. I pick up my blowdryer and try my best to calm the beast of hair in front of me. 

Once I am done, I am sweeping up the hair on the floor when Jacob comes in the salon.  He smiles at me and brushes right past Alicia, the salon secretary, before making his way over to me. His arms wind around my waist and he presses his lips to mine. My hands rest against his chest, and I can’t help the sigh of delight that escapes my mouth.

I ignore the little bit of doubt in the back of my head. The one that says that Jacob is not for me. I know where that voice comes from. It’s a voice I haven’t heard in five years, but desperately want to. It’s the voice of the man that I gave up on a long time ago. It’s the voice of the man I should not want now. 

I press my lips harder to Jacob’s.

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