Empty Cartons and Cupcake Dresses

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Merry Christmas people!!!!!! Here is your present from me today:) I know I am the worst person in the world because it has taken me so long to update, but this last month with school and traveling has been nuts. To all of you who have stuck with me during this, thank you. I greatly appreciate all the support through a moment where I have been truly sucky with updates. The song for this chapter is Dream by Priscilla Ahn. Please read, vote, comment, and recommend. Thank You!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 4: Empty  Cartons and Cupcake Dresses


Sometimes I wonder whether eating a whole carton of double cookie dough ice cream is the best way to get through my feelings, but after the next bite, I know that there is nothing else that would take away the pain in my chest besides the creamy cold goodness. My spoon finally hits the bottom of the carton and I tap it around a couple of times to make sure I got everything before turning my attention to Low and Emily who are sitting in front of me, their eyes wide. 

“Another!” I announce in a loud voice that sends me into a giggle fit. After a couple of minutes, the empty carton is still in my hands instead of a full one and my laughter stops. I turn my attention to the two girls in front of me and only then notice the horrified looks they both have on their faces. 


“Um . . .” Low carefully reaches over and pries the spoon from my hand before taking the carton too. She gives Emily a look and she nods. They both get off the floor. Low moves into the kitchen and throws the empty carton in the trash can and I frown at the thought of no more ice cream. Emily heads into the living room. 

When Low first started college up in Washington and met Emily, I have to admit that I felt left out. I was now the friend that she had to call by phone to talk to when Emily was there for her to hang out with. It wasn’t until I went up to visit Low and Seth for the first time that I met Emily and realized that she was awesome. Her curly red hair and green eyes reminded me of an elf, but I have more of that personality than she does. Where I have a hard time being calm, she is nothing but. 

Emily turns on the TV and pops in UP. I squeal and jump onto the couch like a little kid, focusing all of my attention on the screen. I know it’s a cartoon and meant for kids, but for some reason I just love this movie. 

The trailers play and just as the movie begins, Low plops down in between the two of us and places the popcorn on her lap. I reach over and try to take a handful but Low lightly smacks the top of my hand. 

“Ow! What the hell Low?!”

She hands me a small plastic container with sticks of celery and carrots in them. 

“Eat that first. You are not throwing up on my new floors.” 

I open my mouth to argue, but she just shoves a celery stick into my mouth. I scowl at her before settling back into the cushions and chewing on the tasteless vegetable. 

The movie continues. Low and Emily talk on the other side of me, but I barely hear a word they say. My attention is completely captured by the movie. 

I watch as Carl breaks as his wife dies. He becomes a shell of his former self and pushes others away from him. His wife broke him. Tuckett’s face flashes before my mind and I can’t help but understand what Carl was going through. He felt so strongly for his wife that he fell apart as she died. My mind flashes back to my senior year of high school, to the days where i shut myself in my room and cried for hours on end because of one stupid boy that broke my heart. 

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