Chapter 5: The Losers

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Chapter 5: The losers

(Hanji's P.O.V again)

I quickly got up & took the suitcases with me. I sped walked into the bushes near Main Street. I heard the car honk & didn't look back, I just kept walking.

"Sis!" I heard my sister yell, I turned over to have seen that she had ran to me.

"Penny..." I mumbled looking down at her with a small smile.

"D-Dad told me... About..." She didn't finish her sentence & put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "Sasha's picking me up, tell the little one's that she said hello." I smiled.

"I will." She said pulling me in a big hug. "You're acting like mom... So grown up yet lively." Penny whispered in my ear. My face drained of color.

"I wish she could meet her grand kids..." I mumbled under my breath. "I could really use her right now...:"

"We all could use a little bit of mom right about now." She said quietly.

"Oh I miss her!" I yelled loudly. I guess I got hit by the emotions because I started to cry.

"We all miss her... But we just gotta keep livin. She's always watching out her us. We don't need to fear anyone, she's always protecting us." Penny whispered. She sounded like mom, we both kinda did.

Suddenly a bright red bug pulled into the driveway. Sasha rolled down the window with a bright smile.

"Get in loser we're going shopping." She referenced loudly at me, I rolled my eyes.

"That's so fetch." Armin said. He was sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Stop trying to make fetch happen it's not gonna happen." Mikasa said. She was in the backseat of the car.

"Haha guys. Oh how you humor me." It was true. They were hilarious & I'm glad Sasha brought them.

"Get in dee care!" Sasha said with a funny accent. I laughed & got the suitcases in. Penny rushed in & helped me.

"Thanks sis." I smiled.

"Well you are pregnant so.. I'm helping so you don't get tired." She said rubbing my hair.

"Omg. What?!" Armin said eyes wide.

"Yeah... " I blushed. "I thought Sasha would tell."

"Lol nope." She said fist bumping Penny. "Sup cuz."

"Haha, hey Sasha!" She said happily. "How's my cousin?"

"Oh you know, just helping the mom-to-be run away from home. Nothing much." She said with a smirk.

"Oh my god congrats Hanji." Mikasa said. "I'm assuming Levi would be said father."

"Really? I saw him smooching with Petra against the lockers. It looked like he was trying to suck her lips off. She was drooling everywhere-"

"Ew! We don't need a mental scarring image in our heads Armin!" Sasha said gagging. "For the first time I just lost my appetite."

"That's nasty." Mikasa said. "If I saw Eren doing that to someone, they'd be punched to freaking Uranus."

Everyone started laughing, including me. Except for Mikasa, she looked confused.

"What?" She asked. "What's so funny?"

"Uranus... Your anus." Armin said with a troll smile.

"Oh how mature!" Mikasa crossed her arms. "That was so funny I forgot to laugh."

"I'm sorry, but you implied that you'd punch Eren to our buttholes." I said snickering.

"Piece of-" Sasha started before being smacked by Armin.

"Don't swear! There's a baby!" He said, to which she returned a glare.

"It's not like it can hear me..." She said rubbing her cheek.

"Sorry Sasha... But Alexander learned the F word from you." Penny commented, making her face even redder.

"Whatever... They're gonna use them anyway." She murmured. "Well we better head on now~ Zoe bear get in Dee care!"

"Haha! Alright alright!" I said getting in & closing the door.

(A loud & slightly weird car ride later)

"We're here~" Sasha chirped.

"Wow what a dump." Mikasa said.

"Ruddde." Armin said flipping his hair back.

"What he's my cousin, I can say whatever I want." She defended.

"Thanks guys. I better get settled." I thanked while getting out with the suitcases.

"Goodbye." Mikasa said.

"Bye bye." Armin followed.

"Sayōnara suckers!" Sasha yelled while driving away.

I laughed & pulled the suitcases into the house. It was dark & nobody was home, so I could pack in peace. I went into his bedroom & took out my clothes. I went into his bed & immediately closed my eyes. This baby was making me tired, & his bed was so comfy.


I woke up to slight shaking, Levi was standing in front of the bed over me. I smiled & got up to see him better.

"Levi... You didn't mention anything about having a sister." A voice said behind him.

"Petra.. I'm sorry I figured she would still be at her house." Levi said turning over.

"So this is your pregnant ex?" She said looking down at me. "She looks like an emo freaking hot mess."

I made eyes with her. She had short cropped red hair & was really short. She had a pink dress & a white jacket & gold heels. Oh miss popular herself! Petra freaking Ral. I started to get a bit angry that she was making fun of me.

"Uhm... Zoe." He muttered, Levi had never called her by her first name. "Can you please... Leave us alone."

I sighed & started to tear up. I tried to stop it by biting my lip, but that just made it worse. I burst out sobbing & covered my face with my palms.

"Oh my god, what a cry baby." Petra said a bit bitter.

"Jeez... I didn't mean to set you off. Calm your tits." He said to me.

I couldn't take it anymore. He was such a fucking jerk! I smacked him across the face & stomped out the door, slamming it shut.

I needed a walk, a long one.

Definitely not the size of his dick. That's for sure

((Freaking. My dialogue is so weird, but Idgas :P

But this story is slightly getting a plot. Basically fighting, people making mistakes & Hanji crying because everyone is mean. I'm really cruel, but I love y'all to Uranus & back <3


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