Chapter 8: Pure Perfection

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Chapter 8: Pure Perfection

(Hanji's POV)

The bathroom smelled so bad, but it simply didn't matter.

My glasses were dripped with tears. I placed them off to the side & sniffled, sobbing into my palms.

I heard the door creak open so I kept quiet so nobody knew I was crying.

"Ha! The whole thing was so funny! Petra totally went up & told Principal Dok! I would call her a snitch but all of those losers got in trouble! It was hilarious!" A girl said outside the bathroom.

"Haha! What the frick frack even happened?" Another girl questioned.

"Petra's dating that super hot emo guy... Er... Levi? Yeah! But Levi had a girlfriend & she's pregnant so all of this drama is bursting out from the emo freaks. It's really funny."

"That's so crazy! Who the hell even is she?"

"Zoe something...? The one with the pink & lavender hair."

"That freaky bitch? What a fucking slut!! That's so gross!"

I felt a horrible pain in my throat... I was a useless muck, I couldn't stand up for myself... Especially with popular girls?

"We should warn Petra about Levi... He could've gotten stds from her!"

Or maybe I could stand up for myself...?

These skanks were going down, hard!

I walked out kicking the bottom of the door open. Walking up to the shortish brunette girl crossing my arms.

"Ew! It's her!!" She screamed.

A gave her a good slap on the cheek that instantly left a red mark. She yelled & started to sway me away.

A tall blonde overly tan chick pulled my hair & a ginger kicked me in the leg. I screamed & dropped to the floor cupping my stomach. I pleased them to stop, but they continued with girlish fighting. I would beat them if it hadn't been for the trouble to stand up.


They turned their heads & so did I. A small blonde girl with baby pink lipstick stood before me. She had pink & nude eyeshadow with light pretty makeup & a white & gold outfit with pink pumps. She looked horrified at the image displayed in front of her wide blue eyes.

"Christa we told you that you couldn't talk to us! Oh my god you freak!" One of them said.

I pushed her down to the bathroom floor to her disgust. She got up & shook the dirt off of her pants.

The three girls walked out hurriedly. The girl walked over to me & helped me up.

"Thank you..." I muttered.

"Are you alright?!" She asked checking my legs.

"I'm not sure... I'm pregnant so I don't know if they did anything drastic... I don't think so." I said looking myself.

"W-What?! Oh my gosh!" Her eyes widened again in shock. "We need to get you to the nurse! Immediately!"

"What's all of this commotion?!" A voice said coming inside. A tall tan girl with freckles & almond eyes.

"Ymir! Thank goodness you're here! Those old "friends" I had... They beat her up! She's pregnant! She needs to go to the nurse! Help me take her!" The girl said rushy.

"Those bitches! Those fucking  sluts! I'm gonna sock them-"

"Ymir! Let's go!!" She yelled impatiently.

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