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It had been two years since the day, I was supposed to go to the planet. I don't regret that decision even for a second. I know that if I went, I wouldn't ever be happy. Gajeel is on earth, so I'm on earth too. Today was our two year anniversary. Gajeel was taking me to a "surprise" location.

He wouldn't tell me the place exactly, he only told me not to wear anything formal. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I exited the bathroom to see Lucy sitting on my small bed. Beside her lay an outfit. She picked up the outfit and handed it to me.

"You're going to look so hot! Gajeel is going to drool when he sees you!" She exclaimed. I pushed her lightly. "Lu-chan!!" I said. She giggled. I rolled my eyes and went back into the steamy bathroom.

I set the clothes down on the counter, then blow dried my hair. I didn't get a good look at the clothes Lu-Chan picked out until now. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. It was a black crop top with red lace lining the neckline.

The skirt she picked to match wasn't much better. It was black leather with an attached red belt. It was also very short. I mean, I'm short but that skirt was....... I picked up the clothes to reveal my undergarments.

'would this be considered as underwear?'

I was going to kill Lucy. I put everything on and exited the bathroom. "Levy-San!! You look so hot!" She almost screamed. I crossed my arms. "These aren't clothes!" I said. She laughed. "Oh hush child." She said, walking over to me. "I forgot to give you this." She told me, handing me a pair of fishnet, black leggings.

Well, at least I was going to wear something under this sorry excuse of a skirt. After I put that on, Lucy helped me with my hair. She tried tons of different hairstyles but decided on an artistic messy bun. She put a little bit of makeup on me. She handed me a lipgloss bottle. It read: watermelon flavored, best for kissing. I nearly punched her. She shrugged her shoulders and tried to contain her giggle. It didn't work very well.

After Lucy finished my makeup, I put on black socks and black combat boots. I stared into my full-length mirror. I didn't even recognize myself. Lucy squealed and jumped up. "Gajeel is going to freak when he sees you!" She said, clapping her hands together.

"Right," I said, playfully rolling my eyes. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. 

"Thanks, Lu!" I said, hugging her. 

"My pleasure!" She said, hugging back. I waved and mouthed "bye". I went over to the door and opened it. Gajeel stood in the hallway, a look of surprise on his face. He was wearing a white button-up shirt, the sleeves were rolled up and the first two buttons were undone, showing part of his chest. His light blue jeans revealing black shoes.

"S-Shrimp...." Gajeel said. I giggled nervously and played with a loose strand of my hair. 

"It was Lucy's idea," I told him. He laughed and said, "I figured." He reached his hand out, and I took it. We were walking down the hallway when I noticed that he was holding a woven basket. It was light brown and had a pretty design on it.

"What's the basket for?" I asked. 

"I guess you'll just have to find out." He said, winking. We got on the evaluator and went down to the lobby. Gajeel started walking the opposite direction of the train station. "Gajeel, the train station is that way," I told him. He stopped and looked back. "We're not going to the train station." He said, smirking.

I was confused, but I followed him. I noticed that we were walking towards Oakwood Park. We came to a stop at the huge cherry blossom tree. Gajeel slipped his hand out of mine and reached into his basket. He pulled out a small blanket. It was a light yellow, and it had a white design all over it.

He then sat the basket down and pulled out some food. "Are we having a picnic?" I asked, excitedly. He nodded. I sat down, on the opposite side of him. 

We ate in mostly silence. It was pretty uncomfortable. I couldn't help but notice how Gajeel was acting weird. He seemed to be really......nervous about something. What could he be nervous about? He would also occasionally slip his hand in his back pocket, but pull it out again.

"Gajeel, is something wrong?" I asked when I was finished eating. "No, Shrimp. Why do ya ask?" He said. "You just seemed nervous. You know you don't have to be nervous around me right?" I asked. He nodded. I just sighed. This was just like before, I could never get through to him.

"To prove I'm fine, I'll just...." He looked around when his eyes landed on me. I was about to ask what he was going to do when he pouched onto me and started to tickle me. I laughed violently and tried to push his hands out of the way. 

"Ga-Gajeel!! S-S-Sto-stop!!" I screamed, between giggles. He just continued. I started to roll a little, then he rolled a little. I forgot that the cherry blossom tree was on a hill. And before I knew it, we were tumbling down the hill. I screamed and laughed.

When we reached the end of the hill, I was on top of Gajeel. His face looks flustered and I laughed. I got off him and sat up. He did the same. I caught my breath. 

"Whew! That was so fun!" I said. "It sure was!" Gajeel said, laughing. He got up and reached his hand out to me. I took it and got up too. We went back up the hill.

I was about to sit back down when Gajeel said, "Shrimp, I...There's something I wanted to ask you." He then got down on one knee. I froze. 

"Levy, ever since I met you, I knew I wanted to be with you. Your laugh, your smile, your voice.....it all makes me want you. I want to be with you, for the rest of my life. I know I'm an idiot and I don't deserve you, but I can change. You gave me a chance, so I know there's still hope for me. Levy," He said, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a silver box. 

"Will you marry me?" He opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring. It had a blue gem in the middle, and around the blue gem was a dragon, covered in diamonds. I started to cry. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" I said.

He let out a breath and gently grabbed my hand. He slid the ring onto my ring finger. A perfect fit. He got up, and I jumped into his arms. Our lips met and I kissed him passionately. When we broke apart I said, "I want to spend my entire life with you, Gajeel Redfox." He smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen. "As do I, Levy McGarden."

Heyy all you Gale shippers! Sadly, Counting the Days is over *sniff sniff* I remember writing the first chapter being like, "I'm never going to publish this." Then, here I am! Publishing the last chapter! As usual, I will be putting up a new fanfiction soon. But, I want to ask you guys something. Should I just start writing one of my ideas OR should I do a collab story with one if you? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Counting the Days {GaLe AU}Where stories live. Discover now