Chapter 1

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Celtic Guardian's POV:  

I was in a battle with my master, Yugi or Pharaoh, we was fighting that Kaiba person again. I was on the field in Defense Mode when Pharaoh sacrificed 2 of his monsters and the Dark Magician appeared, Pharaoh's ace Duel Monster, I'm his second for now. I saw Dark Magician look at me for a split second then turned back to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that Kaiba had played. "Celtic Guardian! Attack his Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Pharaoh called out, my power was 3100 and Kaiba's Blue-Eyes was 3000! Just enough to win the duel! I nodded at Pharaoh before attacking the dragon and winning the duel. Me and Dark Magician smiled at Pharaoh and then looked at the now disappearing Blue-Eyes White Dragon. "Good job you two, let's get back to Joey and the others." Pharaoh said, we nodded and went back to his deck. We was now in the Graveyard to wait until the next duel, all of Pharaoh's Duel Monsters was here, (Dark Magician Girl didn't exist in his deck yet..) I felt bad for him so I went over to him..I kinda have a crush on him..yeah. I was in front of him with a worried look and he looked at me like he normally looks but something was wrong but I don't know what.

Dark Magician's POV:

I saw Celtic Guardian stand in front of me and give me a worried look. All I could do at the time was just give him the emotionless expression I always have when dueling or something. "You alright Dark Magician?" Celtic asked sitting next to me, "Yeah, I'm alright" I replied looking into his cute brown eyes, yes I have a crush on him but I don't know if he has a crush on me, "I saw you here alone so I decided to just start a conversation with you"  Celtic said smiling. I didn't want to say no so I started talking to him. Turns out we have a lot in common! Even though we only fight. "I need to ask you something Celtic.." I said blushing, "Y-Yeah?" Celtic replied with a blush. "D-Do you l-love me..?" I asked nervously as his face turned red and he smiled. He kissed me softly on my lips, "Does that answer your question?" Celtic asked smiling, "Yes it does!" I said hugging him. 

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 1 of my new book! Peace out y'all! -Enderlox

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