#2: Muse

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Not the band, but a thing that makes you feel at your creative best. (I love the band, though. *swoons*)

Some people draw inspiration from nature. Even if it's simply walking out and gazing at the stars at night, being outdoors makes you feel good.

If you're like me, you get your best ideas for writing/drawing/any other media outlet from water. I find that whenever I'm at home, and on a creative low, I always go straight for the shower. Perhaps it's the hot water simply releasing the tensions built up in my sinus cavities that lets me think clearer, I don't really know. But it's something I always defect to.

And some may even get creative sparks around certain people. This could be anyone: a person you look up to, or someone you can speak freely with- like a significant other or a boy/girlfriend. They make you feel good and have good thought-thoughts that can turn out a good product art-wise.

Muses can take many forms. Find yours. :3

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