#5: Importance of Wording

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It's allhail again, got your pen and paper? This little tidbit is about "the wonders of wording done right."

Something commonly done in writing is the frequent but unexpected appearance of large or complex words.

When I was younger I read a wide variety of books to expand my vocabulary without the boorishness of flipping through a dictionary in class.

Writing anything is normally as an experience for your reader. Sometimes it doubles as a learning assist.

The problem with this is that using these large complex words too often is what makes a reader abandon the book.

Your reader shouldn't have to have a thesaurus with them when they read your creations, ok?

After all, the reason we put those larger less common words in is to keep the flow of story going. Little bits of a peaking intelligence behind what appeared to be a bland background character.

Look out though, some people won't do their research if they don't fully understand a word in the context it's give in.

Take for instance the word "Nigardly".  Sounds bad doesn't it?

Despite its strange comparison to the oh so forbidden N word not a single white man shall speak, it's actual meaning is to do/say something in a stingy or meager manner. I've been publicly dubbed a racist by a few people because I use this word in my everyday speech.

But that's how it goes.(I'm surrounded by imbeciles.)

Maybe for true realism if a word a character uses is close to a "bad word", make sure someone in the area gets offended.

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