You dont understand

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You say it's just an excuse

That I'm ruining all my life plans

You say that I'll be a bourdon

And will never go far in life


You say that you hate me

Well that's ok. I hate me too.

You never listen just assume your right

It's funny how you can't see the pain in my eyes


Once in a while you ask me what's wrong

Or why am I suicidal

I ignore your question because you won't understand

I should've listened to myself months ago and just let my life end

I cut and cut

But it's never enough

The pain is drowning me

And I can't swim back up


Everyday I get closer to death

The death that should've greeted me

When I was first upset

If I died now you'd pretend to be sad but honestly that would only be a lie


The girl I was once was is gone

She's lost, she's dead

You don't understand

How broken I really am

Tears of PainWhere stories live. Discover now