Hurricane (song preference)

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Your running round
My head while I'm
Out of breath
(his p.o.v)
I've been thinking about Y/N all day it's like she is a video that's stuck on replay. "Liam are you okay" Ricky ask.
"Yeah man your sweating like crazy" Emery said. "I'm sorry it's just I've been um... I'm just I've gotten sick yeah that's it" I said. "Whats wrong has some caught the flu" Emery said. "Allergies" Ricky said. "Lovesick" they both say at the sametime. I just nodded my head "I'm calling Y/N" Ricky screamed and called her. "Hey Y/N Liam missess you and your kissess" Ricky said "He's sick" Emery said. "Let me guess lovesick" Y/N said "Yep" Emery said. "I hate you guys" I said.

Hurricane when
The lights go out
Let it ran, Let our
Hearts pour out
You got me till the
Sun burns out
"Babe there's bad weather out side so can we have a movie night" Ricky said. "Sure you choose the movie the storm is suppose to be really bad so make it a happy not scary movie" you said. "Deal" Ricky said. Soon the power went out. Ricky screamed and I laughed a little. "Babe its just the power" you said. "No we are going to die what do we do... " Ricky went on and on and on about his fears. "You really are pouring your heart out aren't you" you said. Ricky nodded "Hey you got me till the sun burns out" you say. "that's sweet now cuddle me" Ricky says. You two fall asleep on the couch.

Walking on clouds,
Away, up here together
Not coming down
We could stay up
Here forever
I was basically on cloud nine me and Y/N just finished a make-out session.
She had to leave but I was determined to get a good bye kiss. As I was walking it felt like I was walking on clouds. Away from my house and to my "friends" house. Well maybe just maybe I will be able to call her my girlfriend right now we are friends with benefits. I'm not coming down from there clouds I could stay up here forever.

FIYM Preferences And ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora