Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV

I went to bed happily last night, but for some reason I felt guilt for kissing Harry. But it wasn't a real kiss, it was just a small kiss on the cheek. Not even a kiss, just my lips tapping his cheek. That's it.

When I finally found the strength to roll out of bed, I had to hurry to the shower before Dani calls dibs. I waged my long brown hair, and then got out to change into my blue dress, and my Doc Martens. I had no idea what my hair was going to be like, so I just waited for it to dry. While I was applying eyeshadow to my left eye, I got a text from Ryan.


What in the world? Why would he call me that...

"Excuse me?" I texted back.

"You know what I'm talking about Lisa."

"No I don't."

Then he called me, probably to yell at me more.

"Hello?" I asked into my phone.

"Why'd you kiss him?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play this game Lisa. I saw that picture of you and that creepy curly haired boy kissing in the hotel hallway."

"First of hall, he's not creepy, and second of all it was just a kiss on the cheek."

"It doesn't matter! You're my girlfriend, not his. You'll never be his girlfriend."

"Ryan stop. You're scaring me."

"I'm coming to your show tonight."

"No you're not, stay home."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'll see you later." Then he hung up on me. I'm actually scared right now. I know Jerald, our bodyguard, will protect me. But I don't know, I'm still scared of him. Terrified.

Harry's POV

We all piled into the 30 foot limo to head to the stadium where we are going to perform. I looked around, everybody looked so goo, especially Lisa. She looked stunning. But she also looked nervous, like she was going to throw up. Probably just the preconcert jitters.

"Are you ready for tonight?" I asked Lisa as we stepped out of the limo together.

"Mhm!" She said not making eye contract with me. When we walked in, so many people were there already. The rows of seats kept filling up and filling up, it was unreal. Now I'm feeling those preconcert jitters.

The girls are going to perform first, then us. I watched as they ran on stage and started singing to their first single "Million Bucks". I have to admit, they are really good. Then they performed a few more original songs, a couple covers, and then talked about how grateful they were for all their fans. They are so sweet.

The boys and I got the cue that it was our turn to go on stage, so we grabbed our microphones and sang "What Makes You Beautiful". I was thinking about Lisa the whole time. Why does she have to be so beautiful. The crowd erupted in cheers, screams, and everything. It was the end of our fifth and final song, and I was popped. We walked off the sage to greet the girls.

"You did great!" I said giving Lisa a high five.

"Thanks, you too!" She said smiling.

"So you're the kid trying to take my girlfriend, huh?" A guy said behind me. I slowly turned around to see Lisa's boyfriend standing there, I know it's her boyfriend because of the way he said "girlfriend". Wow, I'm so smart.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I saw the picture of you two kissing." He said walking closer to me. "And I'm not to happy about it. So you have two choices, one is to back away from my girlfriend, or two, you get a big punch in the face."

I stood there in silence not knowing what to say, well I did know what to say. But I wouldn't be proud of it.

"C'mon Lisa. You're done on this tour." He said grabbing Lisa's arm.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going anywhere, and you can't make me." She said terrified.

"Oh yeah?" Ryan asked grabbing her arm forcefully making her trip and fall. "Get up, fatty!"

That's it, I've had enough. It made me mad that he pushed her, but it made me mortified when he called her fat. Because in no way, shape, or form is she fat.

"Back off!" I yelled pushing him to the side allowing Lisa to stand up. "Maybe if you respected her as a lady then she wouldn't be so afraid of you! You expect her to be this nice, lovely girl to you when you call her fat and ugly? That's such a joke. You're a joke. She doesn't deserve a douche bag like you. She's such a beautiful girl that any guy would be lucky to even talk to her, but obviously you don't see that. So I suggest you to leave before I get really angry and do something I'm going to regret later." I said pushing him away. He walked off not before shooting me a "death glare".

"Lisa, I'm sorry he treats you that way." I said to her hugging her tightly.

"Thank you Harry. Thank you for sticking up for me like that." She said crying into my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. You're going to be okay." I said rubbing her back. I'm really starting to develop feelings for Lisa. This is going to be a bumpy ride.

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