You wear something of his

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Kaname Kuran

You smiled at yourself as you had on his black button up shirt and his red tie. You twirled in the mirror and laughed. He was in his library, so he decided to leave you alone. You got bored and slipped these on. They were kind of baggy on you but it was comfortable. You then heard a chuckle and looked behind you. Kaname was smiling at you and he slowly walked over to you. "You look so cute," he smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed and leaned your head on his chest. "I got bored," you smiled and he kissed your forehead.

Zero Kiryu

You walked inside of Zero's room and realized that he was out. You smiled and started to look around. You found his school uniform jacket. You placed it on and it was baggy on you. You smiled, it felt warm. You laid down on his bed and fell asleep. You woke up and sat up. Zero just turned around to see you and then laughed. "It's warm," you bluntly said and he smiled. He gave you a peck and you giggled.

Senri Shiki

He smiled at the sight that was in front of him. You were wearing his tie. You smiled and blushed. "Well, you look cute," he smiled and gave you a kiss. You smiled. You nervously looked at your feet and then said,"I wanted to try it on."

Hanabusa Aido

He couldn't believe his eyes. You were sleeping at a table, because you were doing homework. But you were sleeping in his vest. He blushed and walked over to you. He lightly shook you awake. You blushed and looked at him. "Oh, sorry. I fell asleep," you smiled and he said,"That's adorable."

Akastsuki Kain

You wore his purple button up shirt and was walking around. You had to do some cleaning. You looked at Kain and he blushed. "How did you get my shirt?" he asked and you said,"I found it while I was looking for my bag in your room." He smiled and gave you a small kiss.

Toga Yagari

You placed his hat and his big coat. You slipped them on and smiled at yourself. You walked around and skipped down the hallway. You bumped into someone and then looked up. You saw Toga. He blushed and looked down at you. "Why are you wearing this?" he asked and you smiled. "I wanted to try them on," you simply said. He smiled and gave you a small kiss. "You're lucky you're cute," he bluntly said.

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