when he is clingy

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Kaname Kuran

You love Kaname. You really do. But the exam that is part of your major grade was more important. You want to get a good grade and not be part of the group that works the whole time at the next dance. You sat there. You were in Kaname's private library. (Lucky!) The library that everyone uses is crowded. Like usual. You can't study around all of that noise. But here is the thing. No matter where you are. No matter if it is noisy or quiet. If you study. You get tired and bored. Unknown to you, there was a certain someone who was looking around for you. Your eyes were halfway closed but the silence was broken by the door slightly creeking out. You averted your gaze from your book to the door. There your lovely vampire boyfriend. "There you are," he smirked and slowly made his way to you. You looked at the book again. Trying to study. Instead of paying attention to your cute boyfriend. (I mean if you think he is hot or sexy, you can replace that word XD) You felt the couch lower right by you. He slid his arm around your waist and you blushed like a tomato. "Kaname, shouldn't you be in class?" you asked. You shoved the book close to your face so he wouldn't see your blush. "I don't wanna go," he said and buried his face into your neck. (he is not thinking about drinking you) "I thought you never missed class," you quickly said and he just held you closer. "But I want to be with my girlfriend," he whined and you smiled slightly while blushing. You placed one hand on his head and said,"Okay Kaname." "I love you," he whispered in your neck. You blushed even more and grinned,"I love you too."

Zero Kiryu

Your boyfriend. Zero Kiryu. Would not let you leave the barn. You were both laying on the soft hay. Lily was giving every student that passed by an evil glare. Zero, the lovely, cold (to other people instead of you), and mean (again, other people), would not let you leave. It was almost time for class but he wrapped his arms around you. One arm across your chest (he is not trying to grab, reader-chan, you are very perverted) and the other arm was around your back. "Zero, we can't be late for class," you calmly stated, thinking about all the extra work you had last time you were late to class. "No," he bluntly said. You sweatdropped and tried to push yourself up from where you were laying. But a certain someone didn't want you to leave so he softly pulled you back down and pulled you to his chest. "I don't want you to leave me right now," he said. You sighed, admitting defeat. "Okay Zero," you smiled and he smirked. "Thank you," he said. "You are so cute," you giggled and you saw that he had a small blush creeping onto his face. "Shh," he whispered and hid his face in your hair.

Senri Shiki

In class, he sat down next to you and placed his head on your shoulder. You didn't mind. Until you had to pee. You tried to stand up but he pulled you back down. You are nervously sitting there, looking down at your boyfriend. "Senri, can you please let go of me?" you asked in a sweet tone. "nnooopppeee," he dragged out. You groaned and tried to push him off slightly. "Please," you begged. "But why?" he asked and held onto you even more. "I love you but I need to go somewhere," you confessed. You tried to get up again but he pulled you back down. "I love you too and I want you right by me," he blankly stated and you sweat dropped. "Senri I am about to pee on myself," you whispered and his eyes widened. He blushed and quickly let go of you. You ran out so fast. There was fire marks on the ground. The other Night Class students gave you a questioning look but you were gone. You got done with your business, washed your hands, and there was Senri. Standing across the restroom door in the hallway. "You were standing out here the whole time?" you asked, blushing but sweat dropping. He blushed and grabbed your arm. "Doesn't matter," he said and made you both sit down with him behind you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and just kept you there. "Am i getting up anytime soon?" you asked. "Nope," he said and you smiled.

Hanabusa Aido

You groaned and looked at what was holding onto your leg as you are trying to patrol. "Aido, what are you doing?" you calmly asked. "You haven't given me any attention! You need to give all of your attention on your lovely boyfriend!" he whined like a child and gripped onto your leg even more. You sweat dropped but blushed. He is so cute. "I am sorry, I had to kill a Level E," you sarcastically said and he puffed out his cheeks. "I thought you loved me~!!" he whined and you bent down. He fell on his butt and blushed as you got close enough where your noses touched. "I love you," you smiled an innocent one and gave him a small peck. You quickly pulled back and he pouted. He blushed and held onto your hips. "Mine!" he yelled and pulled you down. You smiled as you felt the grass touch the bare part of your leg between your skirt and the long socks. You faced him and hugged him back. "I love you," he smiled and you blushed.

Akastsuki Kain

You laid down in the grass. Under the tree. Like usual. But! Kain was holding onto you. You smiled. You didn't mind. You love it whenever he just holds onto you. "Akastsuki?" you asked and he grunted. "Are you going to be late for class?" you asked. You smiled and started to mess play with his hair. "I want to be with you though," he calmly said. You blushed, feeling special, and blushed a little bit. "But Kaname might punish you for not being in class," you said, realizing that, and worried about him. He sighed and picked you up. He threw you over his shoulder (you are wearing leggings under so no one can see what is happening under there) You giggled while he started to walk. You could only stare at his back and at the ground. The ground was first grass, pavement, and then the floor of the hallways. You heard a door open and heard some whispering. He just brought you to his classroom. You blushed and covered your face. He sat down and placed you right by him. He wrapped an arm around you and held you close to him. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," you giggled and rested your face in his neck.

Yagari Toga

You were in his classroom. Writing a paper. But there is a certain someone that decided to act like you needed most help. So he sat next to you, made the student that originally sitting next to you, move all the way to the other side of the classroom. He just sat there, looking over your shoulder. The thing is that you sat all the way at the top and there was barely any people that sat there. He wrapped his arm around your waist under the long desk and you tried to pay attention to your work. But having your hot boyfriend right by you, looking down at you. You blushed and glanced at him. He smiled and sat closer to you. The bell rang and everyone left. You tried to get up but a certain someone held you down. "I have to go to lunch," you calmly said. "You are staying here with me," he said and you smiled. He pulled you close to him and rested his head against the top of your head. "I guess I can stay here," you giggled and wrapped your arms around him. "You are staying here or the rest of the day," he mumbled in your hair. He kissed the top of your head and you pulled away. You pulled him down and softly kissed him. He smiled in the kiss and you pulled back. "I love you," you smiled. "I love you too," he grinned and you playfully nuzzled his neck. "I am going to say I am sick and we can just go into town," he offered. You smiled and nodded. "Sure, I would love that," you giggled. I mean. You get to spend time with your time alone with your boyfriend in public. You were suddenly picked up bridal style. "I can walk on my own!" you claimed and he shook his head. "No," he calmly said, but in a deep voice that made you blush.
The whole time you were in town, he was holding you and would not leave you alone

Takuma Ichijo

You sat down on the ground, reading a love novel. Takuma was leaning against you and you smiled down at him. "Do you think we will be in trouble for being here after school hours?" you asked and looked around. "I don't care, as long as I spend time with you," he smiled. You blushed and ran your hand through his hair. "You are so cute," you giggled and he blushed. He sat up and grabbed onto you. He then pulled you to his chest, making you drop your book. "I want your attention," he said and he started to pat your hair. You held onto him and smiled. "Why are you so cuddly all of a sudden?" I asked. He blushed and hid his face into your hair. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he whispered. "I love you," he said and you brightly smiled. "I love you too," you said and turned to where you can look up at his face. "I missed you," he sighed, admiring your face. "But we only didn't see each other during classes," you giggled. "But that took fffoorreevveerr," he dragged out the last word and made a dramatic pose. (yes, takuma is like a whole other person with you) You kissed him and he leaned into it. You pulled back and gave him an eskimo kiss. "Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" he asked and you blushed. You, of course, nodded and he rested his hand on your cheek. "I am happy you are in my life," he confessed and leaned down. And he gave you a passionate kiss.

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