Chapter 2

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Hey babes, I'm back. Sorry I took so long to update. Life's been hard lately, but here's the next chapter. I promise to update more frequently. This chapter is extra fluffy so enjoy.


Derek's POV:

I wake up before my baby girl so I can get every thing done to surprise her. She is sleeping so peacefully. She looks like an angel. She has her arm wrapped around me and is lightly snoring. I slip out from under her arm and the covers, making sure not to wake her. I then set the alarm to wake her up in about an hour.

I sneak down the stairs and then outside into our yard and gather some rose petals off of the roses on our rose bush. I then sneak over to her side of the bed and make a path of rose petals from there, down the stairs and to the bathroom. I then go and get our candles, light them, and place them around the bathtub. I write her a note that says "You're probably wondering where I am and I know you hate surprises because you like to know every thing that is going on, but you, my sexy ass wife, are just going to have to deal with it. I love you. Love, your Hot Stuff." and lay it on the side of the tub.

I go into the kitchen and make coffee and then I pour her a cup and take it into the bathroom. I place it on the tub and then put my old iPod in the doc and plug it up on the other side of the bathroom so I can play a playlist of her favorite songs. I then run her a bubble bath, but I run it way too hot because I know it will cool down and by the time she gets down here it will be the right temperature.

I smile at my work and then sneak out I the front door, making sure to close it and lock it behind me. I have a few things to get done to make sure my day with Pen is perfect.

Penelope's POV:

I wake up to the alarm ringing for some reason. I roll over and hit the snooze button. I stretch my arm and feel in the bed beside me for my husband, but he's not there. Did he seriously go to work today after he promised me last night?!

I sit up and rub my eyes before putting my glasses on. I then swing my legs around so I'm sitting on the side of the bed with my feet on the floor. I feel something on the bottom of my foot and look down. There's a path of rose petals leading out of the door.

I follow them all the way down the steps and into the bathroom. My jaw drops as I see the sea of candles that our bathroom has been turned into. It smells so good and the music playing just ties it all together. I walk over to the bathtub and as I'm about to get in I notice the note from Derek. I read it and grin and then take off my pajamas and step into the bathtub. It is the perfect temperature so I sit down and lay my head back with my eyes closed and enjoy my bath.

I was in there for about an hour when I heard the front door open and then be closed and locked again.

Derek's POV:

I unlock the front door, walk in, and shut it and lock it behind me. I put all the groceries I bought to cook Pen's favorite meal for lunch up and then I hide the dress that I bought her that she has been talking about wanting for months but never bought. I then take the bouquet of her favorite flowers that I got her and walk to the bathroom.

I stand in the door way admiring how beautiful she is and waiting for her to notice my presence.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to bring your sexy self over here?" She asks not even having to open her eyes.

I laugh and walk over to her. She opens her eyes and smiles at me. I sit the flowers on the side of sink and then get down on my knees and lean over the tub placing my hands on either side of the tub so that I'm leaning over her.

"Hey beautiful," I whisper, my lips only inches above hers.

"Hello handsome," she says before connecting our lips.

The kiss starts off slow, our lips connecting in short pecs, but then it quickly heats up. Our lips begin moving in perfect harmony. I feel the cool water when she lifts her hand out of the water and places it on my neck. My right hand instantly goes to the back of her head and my fingers weave into her hair.

We continue to kiss until the need to breathe becomes too strong and we separate.

"I missed this" she looks up at me and says with that look in her eyes before connecting our lips once again.

We separate and I tell her to enjoy more of her bath and I'll come back up and get her when lunch is ready. She nods her head in the cutest way and I connect our lips one more time because I couldn't resist. I get up and walk downstairs to begin cooking my amazing wife lunch.

Okay, there's that chapter! The next will be the rest of their day. I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love y'all ❤️

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