Trying To Get To Know You

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-Jasmine POV-

My mom jut dropped me off in front of Foothill Skate Inn. "See you later Ma" I said opening the door. "Be home before midnight" she told me yet again. "Yes I know" I said rolling my eyes and getting out of the car. "I love you" she told me with a big smile on her face. "Love you too Ma" I said closing the car door. I watched her pull off and then I went by the entrance door. As usual I'm the first person to show up, I sighed and pulled my phone out. As I was going to my contacts to call Khayla, Omari came over to me.

"Jasmine right" he asked sticking his hand out to me. I looked at it and then shook it "Yeah" I said smiling. "So" he said shoving his hands into his pockets. "So what" I asked locking my phone and putting it in my bag. "Are you usually the first person to arrive somewhere" he asked. I laughed "Yeah normally, my friends don't know what 'on time' means" I told him. He laughed nodding his head "I'll try to remember that" he said. He must think I'm weird I thought shaking my head. "So do you know to skate" I asked starting conversation again. "Back home I skated a lot with my friends" he said looking at me. "You must be a pro" I said and he smirked. "I'll take that as a yes" I said smiling a little. "You know your not that weird" he said. "Thanks" I said laughing a little and he nodded his head.

-10 Minutes Later-

Everyone finally arrived and I'm glad because things were a little too quiet. "Took you long enough" I told Khayla. "Hi to you too Jasmine" she said rolling her eyes. "Hi Khayla! So what took you so long" I asked stopping in front of her. "Traffic" she simply said walking around me to greet Omari. "So the fool actually showed up" Jacob said throwing his arm around my shoulder. "Why are you so jealous" I asked looking at him. "For the last time I'm NOT jealous" he said. "Whatever floats your boat" I said throwing his arm off of me. "How about we go inside" I suggested. "Yeah before things get ugly" Rayan said pulling the entrance door open.

We all made our way inside the Inn and it isn't crowded. It has an old couple which is cute, A few younger couples, a group of girls, and a kid with his dad. "Hello Jas are you coming" Chresanto asked waving his hand in front of face. I snapped out of it "Yeah sorry" I said following behind him. "So how was it being alone with Omari" Khayla asked with a smirk while getting her skates. "It wasn't too bad" I told her. "Well that's good! Maybe now you can have a full decent non-thirsty conversation with him" she said laughing. "Ha, ha your real funny" I said rolling my eyes and walking away. I sat down on a seat next to Omari and started putting on my skates. 

"I hope I don't bust my ass" I told Khayla as we began skating. "Wouldn't wanna embarrass yourself in front of your crush" She said. "He's not my crush" I said punching her arm. "You's a lie" she said and Craig started laughing. "Its obvious that you like him" Craig said skating in front of us. "I didn't ask you" I told him. "Didn't need to because I was tellin' you" he said skating away. Khayla started laughing "He told you" Jacob P. said laughing his ass off. "Jacob go skate or something" I said and he shrugged. "Don't worry about them Jas, just have fun" Khayla said skating away. I would if I wasn't so nervous I thought. 

Here To Stay (Jacob Latimore LS)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ