Unexpected Feelings (Carmala)

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After Jodi and I decided to break up, I've been spending a lot of my time with the boys.

Every Saturday we would hang out and go to this cool hangout Linc somehow found. It was next to Club Ry Ri and it wasn't all that cool... but it didn't remind me of her. Which was refreshing.

I had two days until we see each other again and stay in that resort for the whole summer.

"Hey Davis!" A dark haired brunette greeted me as the doors opened.

"Darmala? Why are you the only one here?" I looked around "Where are Linc, Alex and Jared??"

"Jared already went on a plane with Mr. Chang, Alex is doing yoga cause his chi is off and Linc is in Australia"

"I see..." This is getting awkward real fast. "So um.... Just us? Two men eating together?"

"Are you questioning your sexuality Davis?"

I blushed and quickly ducked my head down "No! Its just..."

He laughed at me and suddenly my legs started to wobble and his laugher melted my ear. It sounded so beautiful, like a melody. Wait! What! Pull yourself together man! "Look Caleb. I know this is still awkward for you... With me trying to steal Jodi but come on. I've grown fond of you...."

My eyes widen at his words fond "No.. I mean. You know.. as a friend. You're kinda cool"

Friend. I don't know why that word strikes a bullet through my heart. Nonetheless, I took a seat in front of him and we order the usual.

After a few minutes of chatting, laughing and joking around, the waitress finally got around our order.

"Here you go, Spaghetti, Burger and a milkshake with two straws for the lovely couple" She gave us a wink. Couple? Us? Do we look like a couple? I say excitedly in my head. Ugh! Stop it.

"Um... sorry" Darmala shatters my imagination "Were not a couple"

The waitress winked again, not hearing the seriousness in his voice "Sure you aren't" She giggled then whispered to us "It's fine. We have gay and lesbian couples here all the time"

"Were not a couple!"

The waitress' face fell just as it did mine and I could see a glimmer of pity for me. "Oh uh... sorry for misunderstanding. You're usually with your friends but I see the way you steal glances at each other... So you know when I see you... alone.. Um... I kinda.. thought... Umm... You know never mind" She bowed for his apology then went back to the kitchen but I could see her eyes boring holes of pity to my back.

"Um.. Let's just eat." I said a little too quickly and it was getting awkward everytime I chewed.

"Darmala. I gotta go man" I stand up immediately after my last bite.

"Caleb... Wait..." He called me by my name. It sounds more beautiful than it should be.


"I... I'm sorry for the way things are right now. It was awkward today."

"It wasn't awkward until... well you know. But hey thanks for the company. I'm gonna go pack my bags now"

"Caleb!" He says with more assertion in his voice while grabbing my wrist. Everyone was staring at us, waiting what happens next like a TV show they watch at home.

My heart is beating loud in my ears and he's staring into my eyes. A gaze that could send me to the heavens. What is happening to me? Could it be that Darmala is the one I liked all along? That it bothered me that he liked Jodi and not me?

"Darmala. I like you, not like a friend but something more than that! I may even love you!" Shit! What just came out of my mouth. "Um... I gotta go" I ran quickly all eyes staring at me.

"Caleb!" He was running after me and like the klutz I am, my face fell flat on the sidewalk.

"Caleb!" I hear his footsteps run and eventually lifts me up. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you scratch or break anything? Whats wrong with you?!" His new concern surprising me.

"I.. I'm clumsy"

"I like you too Caleb... " he smiles the only smile that can brighten up my day and its like I finally forget about her.


Hahaha okay this is such a cliffie but hey. It is just a one shot hahaha. Ahhh!!! Carmala! Hahaha

SlinciForever #Carmala hahaha xD I can't believe this is happening.

I hope you guys enjoy. :)

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