The Obstetrics and Gynecologist ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ SEALED

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Hello there, long time no interview. Hehe. I'm sorry I didn't do any interview but let's just say I'm kind of busy. No, I am busy. I'm busy with all of this Psychology things. Well enough about me, I want to ask you something. Have you ever read 'Sex Academy' or 'His Sex Slave'? If you ever read one of them, raise your hand! *Raises hand* Haha. And if you are not, I recommend you to do it because the stories are popular you can't tell me otherwise because I have proof of it.

SA: Read: 4,066,437 (it's still growing) - Vote: 30,799 (it's absolutely still growing) - Reviews/Comments: 4,841 (it's growing too)

HSS: Read: 2,061,208 - Vote: 14,766 - Reviews/Comments: 1,860 (they are still growing)

They are amazing adult stories?! Don't judge, you'll love it if you're into Non-Teen Fiction. Wait, don't go yet. How about PRODIGY1597???? Is that familiar enough? Fine! How about this, JadeEmelee? HA! You got me?! LOL I'm sorry I just want to tell you about this cute Jade! She's still 17 you know.

If you want to read her stories go to her profile ^ and here External Link>>>

Want to know why I asked you about these things? Well, I found this book called 'His Sex Slave', you know the one with Ian Somerhalder in it!!!!! Like um, weeks ago, I couldn't remember when was exactly I found this book. But I've read it TWICE!! I love this book! Hehe. Okay, back to the matters at hand, after I've finished with HSS I clicked the author, it was PRODIGY1597 back then. I was curious about this author because her style of writing is Non-Teen Fiction. I scrolled through her page and saw this interesting story with a title 'Sex Academy' just by the title I knew it would be one of hot story! Haha. So, after I finished with SA I chose to interview the author, Jade. And guess what????!!! She agreed to do it the day I asked her!!! How blessed.

So, I am here to give you all of JadeEmelee fans, I've interviewed your favorite author!!!! Here we go...

1) When is the first time you choose to write a story or novel?

When I was about 10, but that was poorly written and the plot contained a lot of holes. Haha. Anyways, I started last July 2012 here in Wattpad. I wanted to make a story for my best friend. :)

Oh, that was so sweet.

2) How exactly old are you?

I'm turning 17 years old :) :D

Aww, happy birthday, it's too late or too early?

There I thought she was older than me!

3) I think you have a good imagination talk about your stories here, is there any reason why you story is based on Non-Teen Fiction?

Too early :) Haha :)

Well, some said that the reason I write Non-Teen Fiction is to voice out my lewdness. It's partly true. Non-Teen Fiction is a very complicated genre... It's not that easy to make people hot and horny. Non-Teen Fiction is complex, it has many layers. You must put one emotion after another and I found it challenging :)

Oh! Well, let me know when it's the time.

Oh my gosh! Those people, haha. I think it's why they called it Non-Teen Fiction. I take it you like to do a challenge.

4) Do you ever suffer from writer's block? If so, what do you do about it?

I suffer A LOT of writer's block. I sometimes do yoga to clear my head, or hang out with friends :)

I support yoga it makes we feel like all the problems are gone. can take away our worries for a while.

I'd love to do yoga, it's simple but it

5) Did you learn anything from writing the Non-Teen Fiction and what was it?

Actually, I didn't learn anything... PHYSICALLY. Haha. I learnt how to handle different emotions on different occasions.

Oh! Haha. I'm glad you didn't. Haha. That's great you know.

If she did it, there would be an awkward conversation.

6) What do you exactly do besides writing?

I am a college student so basically, I study. But I also am a part of our Theater Club so I focus on acting, dancing and singing too. My hobbies includes reading, watching movies, gymnastics and swimming :)

Ow! I love dancing, reading (I'm actually a nerd), and watching movies.

7) If so, what do you want to do in the future? To be an author? Dancer? Actress? Or else?

Umm... I want to be an OB-GYN, Obstetrics and Gynecologist. :D

Aww! I hope you will be a great OG.

8) You took OG class?

I'm currently taking my major in Psychology which later on, I wish to direct my path in Gynecology :) And obstetrics :)

Psychology!!! I'm also in Psy class. Wish you luck.

9) Do you have any advice for other writers?

Sorry for the late reply. Anyways, my advice would be...

You don't have to experience the said scene to write it. Get you mind and imagination working. Write to express and impress... yourself and not others. Enjoy what you do, and if you want to read a story that hasn't been written yet, WRITE IT YOURSELF. That's all.:)

Hi, Jade, I hope you can be a great OG and thank you for all your time! Don't be strangers.


There I have it finished. Want your favorite author to be interviewed? Sign it up, tweet me @RozeeEllaine or add me Oh, you can visit my blog: - Polyvore: - Tumblr: - WeHeartIt: - YouTube: TheRozesme - Photobucket:

Thank you for visiting my page and read my story.



And don't forget to read her current project/story. Sex Agency.

Lots love,


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