Chapter 4- The return

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I woke up early this morning, but I'm the only one left at our room.

That's weird. The boys usually wake up 9 AM but unfortunately they woke up 7:30 AM today. Then suddenly Luhan shouted.

"SEHUN!!!" Luhan shouted "Yes?" I answered

"Today is the day!" Luhan said

"For what?" I asked Luhan curiously.

"Aish! You already forgot it? Today is the day that you'll return the wallet!" Luhan answered

Urgh. I don't really feel to return [Y/N]'s wallet. But I should return this because like Luhan said This wallet is important to [Y/N].


And now we're in the bus and we're off to [Y/N]'s house to return this wallet. Tbh I'm nervous and I've been practicing my speech to [Y/N] since the beggining of this trip.

'That's okay Sehun, don't be nervous..." Chanyeol said "Yeah. You can do it Sehun! Just take a deep breath and relax" Baekhyun added

"Aw. Thanks for cheering me up guys!" I thanked them.

"Your welcome" Chanyeol replied

"Sehun! We're here already!" Luhan shouted

"Wh-what?" I said nervously

"Sehun, remember just take a deep breath and relax." Said Baekhyun

" *sighs* this is it." I said

I knocked on [Y/N]'s gate then [Y/N] opened it...

"S-sehun?" [Y/N] said nervously

"H-hi [Y/N] ..." I replied

"So what brings you here?" [Y/N] asked

" I'm here to return something" I said

"What?..." [Y/N] asked curiously

"You dropped your wallet yesterday..." I replied

"Oh, thank you! How did you know my address?" [Y/N] said with a big smile

"I checked your wallet and I saw your calling card" I answered

"Oh.. Would you mind if I invite you to eat lunch with me? So I can thank you for returning my wallet?" [Y/N] asked.

"S-sure." I answered nervously

"Great!" [Y/N] answered happily

"Can I get your cellphone number so we can talk further for our lunch?" I asked

"Sure! *writes at my palm* there you go!" [Y/N]replied

"Thanks, I gotta go now. Bye!" I waved at her.

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