Chapter 8- Girlfriend

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Sehun's POV

"Tao!" I shouted at him as he entered the room "Your finally here! How are you?" I continued

"Hun! I'm fine ^^" Tao replied

"Finally we're here in the Philippines! After a long journey from China!" Xiumin said

"Haha! I wanna go to the mall again!" Chen inserted

"Ikr let's go! Joke" Said Lay

"Hey hun who's that girl?" Kris asked

"Oh she's [Y/N]" I introduce her to them

"Noona! What happend with your date?! Hahaha" Kai giggled

"Yeah! What happend?" Chanyeol added

"Ah eh? Date?" She asked

"Aish! That's just a lunch" I said

"Hun, introduce your friend to us!" Suho said while pointing to [Y/N]

"[Y/N] meet Suho, Tao, Kris, Chen, Xiumin, and Lay"

"Nice to meet you oppas ^^" [Y/N] greeted

"Your very pretty" Tao said to [Y/N]

"Aw. Thanks Tao ^^" She answered

"Hey guys let's eat!" D.O invited us

"Yeah let's eat, I'm so hungry" Chen replied

"I guess I should better keep going, bye oppas! ^^" [Y/N] waved at us

but before [Y/N] could live the room Baekhyun called her

"Wait [Y/N]! Wanna Join us for snack?"

"Uhm. No thank you, I need to go home now. Thanks for offering bye ^^" [Y/N] replied

"I'll bring you home" Tao and I said in chorus

(>_>) (<_<)

"N-no need" She answered shuttering

"Okay have a safe trip" Tao said to [Y/N] "Yeah keep safe" I added

"Thanks" She smiled "I need to go, bye" She waved at us

[Y/N]'s POV

I was waiting for the Jeepney then I suddenly heard...

"Oh my gosh, cheapy girls everywhere"

"Is that Sehun's girlfriend?"

"Yeah, is she?"

"Ew I don't think so, do you think Sehun will fall inlove with a rookie girl?!"

"Ikr he will never fall in love with a cheapy girl like her! *pointing at me*"

"She's not pretty, I mean she's ugly"

"We're prettier than her, and I think someday Sehun and I will date in the 5 star restaurant"

"Gosh, look out her--" Then I interupted there conversation

"Excuse me miss, I would like to inform you that I'm not Sehun's girlfriend"

"Really? Ha! That's true. Sehun will never like you!" The girl said

"I know that, but Sehun will never like you too!" I answered

"How dare you!!" Then she slapped me

"Yes how dare you to say that to us?!" She pulled my hair

"Just accept that we're just fans!!" I replied while pulling there hairs

While we're fighting We heard a familiar voice...

"Hey stop!" Sehun shouted

"S-sehun?" The girls shuttered

"Don't do that again to my noona okay?!" Sehun said

"Y-yes O-oppa we promise, I t-think we n-need to go. Bye!" They said it nervously

"Wait! Appologize to her!" Sehun bursted

"I-im sorry Ms... W-we need to go oppa, bye!" They appologized

"Are you okay [Y/N]?" Sehun asked

"Aish! Don't touch me okay?!" I replied

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked again while holding my arms

"I said do not touch me! Don't you understand what I'm saying?!" I frowned

"O-okay..." Sehun answered in a soft voice.

After that I quickly ride in the Jeepney

"Hey [Y/N]! Wait!" Sehun shouted

At home

"[Y/N]! Where have you been?" My sister asked

"Somewhere" I answered

"Hm. Let me guess your at the 5 star restaurant right?" She guessed

"H-how did you know?" I asked curiously

" *smirk* lol easy! I saw it on twitter that you and sehun are dating" She answered

"WHAT?! LET ME SEE!" I said

Sehun and her girlfriend (Exo stan) dating in a 5 star restaurant. pic.twitter/14689...

*face palm*

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