The Other Brother

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Mike's P.O.V

I was hiding under the desk in the office holding the chair, while the doors are closed as well hearing the power beeping. My head is spinning with questions, hearing the snarls getting louder then a loud thud like a door being knocked down. My arms were quivering with fear gripping tightly on the chair. "Where is he?!" A raspy voice yelled. "What is it looking for?" I thought to myself, staring at the floor. I hear footsteps approaching the right door then silence, hearing loud heels clicking running towards the left side way too as it was a women.

"Mike? Mike are ya' in here?! Oh... please tell me he is okay!..." Chica panicked. I peaked from the desk a little so I can be shown just a bit for Chica to see. Chica stand on her toes to look and sigh in relief. She walk back to the main stage area to look for something. Seeing her glitch on the tablet, I got out from underneath the desk and switched around on the tablet. "The cameras seem to be knocked out in the kitchen, must be another way". I look up to see rusting vents. "Maybe..." I climb on the desk and into the vents quietly.

Chica's P.O.V

I looked in the kitchen to see if that 'bear' was there. "Where he go?"  I searched everywhere and hear rumbling in the vents. "What the?" I raised up the tip of the bat and hit on the vents. "Ow." A voice yelled. It was only Mike, but whats he doing in the vents? Not important at the moment, Goldie is the problem. I left the Kitchen toward the backroom and went inside. Unexpectedly the door closed by itself and lock me in. Trying to punch the door and hit it with the bat, it wouldn't budge, like something was blocking the door. "Where are those idiots?!" I screamed.

Mike's P.O.V 

Sneaking through the vents I reach a place with very terrible lighting and fell out on my back. Getting up with so much pain, I felt like a bone in my body crack as I stumbled backwards falling again. "Aww, little child you hurt yourself?" A silvery voice said from the darkness. I look up to see a human golden figure. I remembered something...

 ((By the way Mike, I've been to that place, If you see an golden like figure that looks like 'Freddy' Stay away and run, don't even bother to make eye contact. Just run! Also If there is an shadow too, don't listen to him either about "Don't come back, something is being planned behind all this. They're watching you, remember '83?! '87?! Mike why didn't you just say no to your mom and blah blah blah.

That was Fritz speaking to me, he seems annoying, but he gives good info and facts. Maybe I should listen more... ))

He look exactly like Freddy, but the bow tie and hat are blue, his eyes are pitch black with white glowing dots and his dress shirt is golden, his voice echoing. I froze in fear staring into his seductive eyes, thinking of a way to escape. I spot an exit far away, maybe if I make a run for it. I gave a fake smile as he gave a fake smile back. The minute I get up to head towards the exit, I felt a strong pull backwards by my shirt collar choking a little, being turned around and forced into a deepened kiss. Goldie was kissing me.

He begins put his hand under my shirt and making his way up. It felt so cold like he had his hands put in ice. He slips his tongue in my mouth and explored it, making me blush deeply. I tried to push him back for some air, he noticed and pulled away so I can catch my breath. He makes his way down.

I try to make another run for it, but only to be pulled down on the hard, cold checkered floor. Golden Freddy topped me.

"Where do you think you're going?~" I try to act smart. "Oh y'know, to a place where it's all soft and nice and peaceful, where there is no killer golden people trying to kill me or any of that evil stuff all nice cuddly things, also where i'm not on this floor and you don't exist and stuff... Because I'm an intellectual. Please." He raised an eyebrow, and try to slip his cold icy hand under my shirt. I feel my blood rushing and steaming hot. With all my force I pushed him back making him fall backwards and made another run for it, only to be in a weird world full of darkness and red.

(aotj: get rekt fanpeople)

"What the hell?"

"What is this place?"
This place had all red gushing around and moving like water mixed with jello, blood oozing out the walls, tiled floor filled like an blood lake, the ceilings hanged with dead... Children?
I was nearly about to vomit till I heard his voice yelling but it sounded more demonic, I turn around but it seems like another golden one, except he was purple and black smoke forming around him. Dead souls floating around him in colours of red, purple, brown, yellow, and golden. His eyes were gone and filled with ghostly tears streaming down his face, little souls the size of an ant detaching from the tears making crying sounds. Chains around his wrists, ankles and neck. Bite marks on his arms and neck area, holding an clothe. He was unhappy.

"YOU NEED TO LEAVE, AND DON'T COME BACK." He yells. His voice sound like an kid and an demon at the same time, like two voices speaking at once. Before I went to look for an door, he grabbed my hand quickly and put an key in my palm. His shadows were quickly trying to take part of my hand and arm, nothing just black lines taking shape and symbols of my veins, it hurt me, but I didn't know what else to do but run and find an door that shined bright light. I took the key and put it in the lock and unlocked the door to be back home in my room. The same shadow ghost was in an mirror by my door, he mouthed "Don't come back, or you will suffer..."

He faded away and all was left was my reflection and an note clipped on. I couldn't read the writing, it look more like its an demonic scribbling a four year old written. I just threw it on the dresser next to my bed and plopped face first on my pillow. I had an terrible first day. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and started texting Fritz for more Information about the place and what else I should do and not do. My phone swarmed with texts. I even took the picture of the note lefted by the guy.

Fritz text back: I would throw that out if I were you. It says, "We will come for you." Just so you know. No matter what or how, if you stay away they will literally come for you. Why'd you think Jeremy disappear for almost an year. He doesn't listen to me, none of you do. Anyway, they are blood thirsty beast trying to get your trust, best if you get fired and work at Walmart, at least there is PEOPLE. :(

I groaned and threw my phone across the room and bounced back and hit my face. I had an swollen eye after that. Well that's Karma for me...

But tomorrow is just another day... of suffering

Aotj: hoped you like and stay in touch◇◇

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