Part I - Moekolo Alert

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I was walking through Woolworths to buy milk for my parents ipuki when standing in the tampon aisle I saw the most aulelei guy my maka's have ever seen. I couldn't help but stare at this fine work of art, with them ocean blue eyes that could see right through to your soul. Wiping the dribble that had escaped my lips with my backhand I noticed him staring back at me.. Oh snap! I quickly averted my eyes as he had a look on his face that screamed at me like a MOEKOLO. I snatched the milk and walked away, my face flaming red on embarrassment. In my haste to escape with dignity I didn't see the wet floor sign and lost my footing. Just before my island body nearly kisi'd the floor a strong arm snaked across my waist with ease stopping my fall to disgrace. Looked up into the eyes of my dream guy. I forced my mouth to move as it was hanging open and the words that came out were "Fangiu.." Yeap, I freshed out. I wanted the floor to open and swallow me whole. I was dreading every second. With my eyes shut tight all I could think off were ways to escape this embarrassment. But my thoughts were interrupted when I felt something shudder against me. Slightly opening my eyes I noticed my dream guy trying not to laugh. Are you serious right now? I thought to myself. A damsel in distress and he has the nerve to laugh at me? I caught him eyeing me out, a hint of worry in his eyes but that went out the window when I shoved him off of me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he smiled almost innocently.

Ergh. "Go away!" I yelled, walking off in the wrong direction.

"Oi but you forgot your milk!" he called back, but I was too ika to go back for it. Damn my parents are gonna skill me..

Storming out of Woolworths, full berating myself at how magnificent I handled that situation. Pffft! He must be thinking I was valea or ma'i. I could still hear him calling out for me to stop which only urged my feet into a power walk acting as though I was busting to go toilet. Once I hit the carpark I kept saying to myself my parents probably don't want a ki anymore, but I knew I had to turn back and get milk. Deciding to suck it up and get over being so fa'amagaia I spun on my heels only to smack into a hard chest knocking the wind out of me. Well toned arms grabbed my waist to steady me. It was tampon guy. I thought, could my shame get any worse??.. Feeling more ika to cover my blushing I snapped, "Are you stalking me now??" He frowned at the anger in my voice then flashed a smile showing off his devastating dimples, he answered, "Actually I was trying to return your five dollar note you dropped but I don't think you could hear me calling out.." Well damn my milk money.

Snatching the note out of his hand, again I shoved him. "Thanks" I hissed, turning around back to my car. I was ready to make a run for it when he called out again. Grr why won't he leave me alone?? Facing back to him I watched his mouth move but my ears had tuned out. My eyes couldn't help but rake over his body like a scanner looking for something illegal. And daamn was he illeegal. Ooft if I could just...

"Aheem. You know if you keep looking at me like that I'm going to think you're either hungry or want to devour me."

My head snapped up towards his face to find an amused smile that reached his eyes. I pretended to brush at my clothes as a means to gather my composure and avoid the awkward silence at once again getting sprung gawking. "Well.." I cleared my throat only to be interrupted by yelling from a far. It definitely wasn't tampon guy, so who could it be? Someone needs to sh.. "Tala! Tala is that you??" Looking at him with his head slightly tilted and a confused expression, my body froze as soon as I realized that familiar voice. Groaning inwardly I knew that I was in big trouble. My parents actually sent the rescue patrol (my brothers) to come find me. Great, I thought to myself. I'm gonna get a mean fasi in front of this cutie because my brothers will assume I came to meet up with him.

I looked at him all apologetic and whispered urgently, "You should go. My brothers will get the wrong impression." He looked at me with raised brows before replying, "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to save me from getting bashed.."

Grrr this guy was dense. I shrugged, "Oh well your funeral". My brothers approached the car where we were standing but were all staring at tampon guy. I tensed waiting for the explosion..

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