Part IV - The Other Zone

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ARRRRGH! Banging my head on the window screen as I stood up to my full length, full dropping it. Clutching my chest to calm my breathing down. Kioni stood right under my window laughing.

"You know you deserved that. It's not lady like to stalk on a guy." He grinned unashamedly.

"Ahem I wasn't stalking anyone," I hissed.

"I was ah fixing the ie of my curtain." I smiled at my quick thinking.

"Do you always do your feau's in the dark then?" he said challenging me to admit I was perving. I stubbornly stuck to my guns ignoring his question.

"So which one is it?"


"The guy you were looking at."

Tilting his head towards the garage where Sam and the other boys were. He thinks I was checking out one of the other boys? I can make this work to my advantage.

"Um...well..ahh.." he cut me off.

"They're all too old for you Tala. I'm just looking out for you. Your Sam's lil sis."

Did he just 'lil sis' me?! I was guttered. This must be what guys feel when girls they like FRIENDZONES them.

"Kioni is it?" feeling angry cause I felt cutties,

"I'll decide who's too old for me and who isn't! I'm 25, I'm not a child so keep your sage advice to yourself." I sounded fa'ali'i but I didn't care. He friend zoned my fantasy lol.

"You sound like a fa'ali'i to me but if you think your a big girl then let me take you out some time. Catch a movie maybe. If you want to experience what it's like to be with one of the boys then I rather it be with me. I can keep my eye on you and get you home safe. I love Sam like a USO so you have my word I'll take care of you like I would my own sis..."

Ah can this kama not keep shattering my fantasy to dust?! My thoughts were running rampant on me. Who does he think he is? So much anger consumed me and I had no idea where it was coming from. I began to feel lightheaded. Another scene in one of those movies where the palagi girl becomes overly dramatic. In this case, an island girl with not so much pride as she started off with. The room was awfully cold right now.

"Do you feel that?" I asked him, almost in a whisper.

"Feel what? The air?" he chuckled.

Oh great, I feel a tad dizzy,

"Tala. Why is your face going pale? Tala??"

I felt the room begin to spin. Wow I really am losing it. Holding onto the window sill for support I felt something warm wrap around me.

"Your freezing Tala, let's get you to bed." I moaned,

"get off me."

But he wouldn't let go. I felt him breath against my cheek. He held me bridal style and gently placed me on the bed under the covers. I was too tired to push him away. I just couldn't resist sleep, it was slowly taking over me. It was still dark but I could just make out the figure leaning on my bed. His face lingered over me as he whispered what I thought sounded like, "I'm sorry." And with that I was out like a night light.

I woke up to my alarm clock going off for work. 4:30 am. Did I crash out? Was Kioni in my room last night? Dragging myself out of bed to get ready for work, a piece of paper on the edge of my pillow caught my attention.

All that curtain fixing you were so keen on doing in the dark seems to have given you a headache that you fainted :) Try not to make it a habit or you'll need glasses. Feel better. Kioni.

As angry as I was trying get at his gumption telling me what to do. I remembered how he was so concerned and how gentle he was. After waking Kenai to remind him to get my car I left at the shops I ran for my bus so I wouldn't miss my train for work. Freezing my ass on the platform waiting for my train I heard my name. Kioni wearing what I call the highlighted shirts and navy pants walked towards me.

"Morning, how's your head?"

"Ah much better thanks."

"That's good."

"You don't look too hung over."

"That's because after I made sure you were okay I joined the boys and nursed one beer before I called it a night.."


He looked me up and down,

"Let me guess your occupation by your clothes. Office worker, call centre most likely for a bank."

Hmmph! He got it spot on.

"Let me guess yours. Construction worker."

He burst out laughing,

"Tala I love your sense of humor."

I couldn't help but smile back. I looked around the platform and noticed every female on here was staring at Kioni. He must get a lot of stalkers. With his looks and easy going nature he really was every girls dream guy. Our train arrived and I didn't question Kioni when he decided to sit next to me even though a lot of girls on the carriage were looking hopeful that he'd sit next to them. I refused to get my frills.

"I've never seen you catch the train before" I said.

"That's because today's my first day at this job. I've lived abroad for the last few years and only decided to move back to Sydney for good."

"Really? I'd give anything to move out of Sydney and travel" I sighed dreamily which made Kioni click his fingers in my face chuckling,

"Hey I haven't lost you again have I? haha you know sometimes there's no place like home."

I stared at him and I wondered why Sam wanted me to stay away from him..




"Call me Johnny. You sound like my mum when you call me by my Samoan name. Makes me think I'm gonna get a lecture."

"Lol ok Johnny."

For some reason it just made him more sexy if that's even possible. I was surprised at how easy the conversation flowed between us.

"Can I ask you something Tala?"

"Yeah sure.."

"Do you believe that if you do something bad, God will turn away from you?.."

I was taken aback by the random question..

"My faith tells me that God never turns away from anyone good or bad."

"Do you believe that just by going church you'll make it to heaven?.."

Where the heck are these question's coming from? Did he kill someone? Is that why he moved back to Aus. Was he on the run and that's why Sam warned me to stay away from him? I shifted uncomfortably in my seat but chose to answer honestly..

"No I don't believe that.."

Johnny sat there quietly lost in thought nodding in acknowledgement.

"Your different from most girls I speak too" he said.

"I bet you must speak to a lot of"

"Actually I don't really like talking that much.."

"Hah you could've fooled me. You haven't stopped talking since we got on the train."

"Bahaha Tala you don't hold back any punches. I love that about you.."

I cringed at my own bluntness but was happy he saw the humor in it.

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