Your a Dumbass

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a couple days had past after you last saw Mark, The night out with Wade and Molly was nice, you went to see civil war and your cried because movies hit you real hard for some reason. at least today you will be recording drunk mine craft with him, despite not growing up with a PC and only playing it on xbox, you still knew the game quite well. 

You grab your headset and text Mark saying that your all ready

You: Yo, I'm waiting for you

Markifart: alright, I'm adding you to the call

You: Alriight

"Hey Y/N" Mark says, the boys repeating him

"Yo," You reply

"Also guys, i dont have much in the way of Liquor" you add on holding up a bottle of whiskey and vodka

"Thats fine, do you have any glasses though?" Wade asked


"Mark! go over yo Y/N and give her some shot glasses" 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP WADE. I'll be right over" Mark exclaimed

whithin 10 seconds hes at your door

"That was quick" you say taking the two glasses, he did his famous half smile and turned away back to his apartment

"Alriiight lets get started, You guys ready?" Mark asked pouring himself a shot

"yep!" Wade replied also doing the same thing 
"fuck up wade no one likes you" Mark screamed

"wow, its almost your already drunk" You laughed also pouring a shot 

"Bottoms up fellas...and Lady" Bob stated as you all took 2 shots 

"Jesus christ that is strong" You say pulling a sour face 

everyone laughed 

~~15 minutes later~~ 

"Y/N the fuck are you doing" Mark asks you

"I'm making a pentagram!" you cheerfully reply almost immediatley

"Out of netherack!!" 

Bob and wade laughed so much the fell out of their chairs

"GUYS GUYS," Wade screamed

"Lets have a penis making competition" He adds on

"My long donger with waste yours!" You say, Mark just laughed Bob was face - palming 

"Alriiight" Wade said, and the competition had begun

~~1/2 hour later~~

"Im done" you clearly state and everyone walks over to your masterpeice

" God" Bob said in Awe

"And thats not the best part" You say whizzing behind it and clicking a lever, a bunch of fire charges burst out from the tip

"DAMMIT Y/N" Wade exclaimed 

You laugh so hard your snorted. 

"Well then...." Mark said

"This reminds me when i found a 3ft Dildo on Ebay" you state proudly

"What were you looking for to find that!!" Mark half screamed half chuckled  

You hesitate "3ft dildos" you say after a long awkward pause

"Im not gonna ask why, but anyways this has been drunk minecraft, subscribe to me for more and click the annotations, remeber to check out bobs channel and as always-" Mark was cut off

"What About me!!" Wade whined 

"shut up wade no one likes you, And as always i will see you, In the next video Bah Byye" 

"fuck you mark" Wade said before mark ended the recording

"well that was fun" you say sighing 

"Yea, thanks for joining us Y/N" Bob says

"No probs, now im gonna go eat a banana and get ready for my friends who are coming over soon" 

"Bye Y/N" Mark says

"Byeeee" you reply hapily as you ended the call

"You guys are dumbasses" You chuckle as you head to the fridge and open it

"how do i tell him though..." you say slowly fading off

~~I really hope you are all enjoying this story!! im gonna be writing ALLLL day so i might post a few more chapters :D sorry its a bit short ~~

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