Fight 10 - Racing

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Fight 10 – Racing

[Lennox Dawn]

Walking into the school I told Ray that I would talk to her at lunch. I walked into the office and stood in front of the secretary's desk waiting for her to acknowledge me. Once she finished what she was typing she looked up at me.

"Yes how may I help you?" She questions.

"I'm here for my exams."


"Len Dawn." I told her.

She picked up the phone and only pressed one button.

"Sir, Miss Dawn is here for her exams." She spoke into the phone. "Okay you can head right on in." She told me after hanging up the phone.

I nodded in thanks then proceeded towards the principal's office. Knocking on the door caused an echo to ring through the quiet office.

"Come in!" A voice yelled from inside the office.

Inside I sat in a chair and waited to be told where I would be taking my exams.

"Okay... Ms. Molly will be watching over you as you take your test. If you have any questions you may ask her. She has all of your exams at the moment. You will get a break at lunch just like everyone else in the school, to give you a break from your exams and let you eat. Once you are done each exam you will give it to Ms. Molly and she will give you your next exam. Understand?" Mr. Jeffery told me to which I nodded.

"Great, Ms. Molly is waiting for you in the library. Good luck."

I grabbed my bag and made my way over to the library. Walking in I saw Ms. Molly right away sitting at her desk.

"Ah there you are Len. Are you ready for your exams?' I nodded. "Okay, which exam would you like to start with?"

"Socials." I told her. It's the easiest subject.

She nodded and went through some papers in front of her. She handed me the exam then I went and sat at a table getting started.

By the time lunch rolled around I had finished my socials and science exams and got half way through my math exam.

I gave Ms. Molly my textbooks leaving my bag a lot lighter. I also handed her my half-finished math exam, then made my way to the cafeteria.

Sitting where she normally sat, I saw Ray eating a sandwich. She looked up and caught my eye. I headed straight to where she sat.

"How are your exams going?" She asks right as I take a seat across from her.

"They're easy." I reply.

"Well that would because you're at university level and you're doing what? Grade nine?" I laughed at her comment.

"Well how's your day going?" I question taking a bite of bacon left over from breakfast.

"Amos Finn has been continuously staring at me all day. I think we have caught the attention of the Finn brothers. Both of them are staring at us now." She told me not looking away from my face.

"They would have looked into me when I showed up and announced how I just got out of juvie. And now that I'm hanging out with you, they're looking into you. Your background is solid, right?"

"Yeah, I did everything told me to do when making a new identity." She replied.

"Wondering if the packaging then that's grabbed their attention." I winked at her.

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