ladies on fire

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I don't know how I did it but I manage to arrive at work just in the neck of time 10:00 am on the dot, I was gasping like I wanted to suck up all the air in the atmosphere after all I did bolt my way up five hundred steps restlessly to save my career. I straightened my tie and and used my hand rag to wipe the sweat from my face before I sat at my desk and blew a sigh of relief at the strength of a category 7 hurricane.

"Yow Malcolm just the man I wanted to see over here buddy!!!" James signaled me over the far right hand corner at his disk.

James was my partner in crime which meant my best friend and anywhere you saw the two of us there was definitely drama, he was the fire to my smoke and I was the lightening to his thunder. I instantly transmitted myself over to him like I was the flash. "Talk to me player who's the victim?.... Wait don't tell me you scored a home run with Samantha " I asked in anticipation.

" Yea man!! She and I were talking on the phone last night and you know me I told her about the road to cloud nine in full details bro, man I turned her on so good she was moaning over the phone and begging me to come over!!! Haha" James exploded with laugher.

Samantha was the hot blond secretary who loved to wear red lipstick, dress up in tight mini shirts and tight blows that didn't have to make you wonder what
she looks like naked, you could see every cure and bulge in her skin tight dresses.

" Shhhh keep your voice down man we wouldn't want Patrick to hear this remember he still thinks she is faithful to him and we wouldn't want him to beat your ass to a bloody pulp and cut off your cock before you can hit it again" I told him.

" yea right, right..." He agreed

Patrick was Samantha's fiancé and boy he was naive, if Samantha was kissing a guy in front of him he could not see it he was blinded by love she could do no wrong in his eyes and he would jump off the edge of the Earth if she told him to and he is over protective. For a guy who works in telecommunications department he seems very stupid to me wasn't he suppose to be a genius.

"Man you are not gonna believe who I ran into early this morning" I said.

"Who man Veronica? Dude you know that girl lost a screw you better put her butt in a recycling machine.....did she try and break into your house again?" He asked

" No, hell no not my ex man you crazy I took out a restraining order against her remember...." I responded with a terrified look on my face. "Oh right, so who then?" He questioned.

"Wendy Wickam" I told him. " So what happened? What's so special about you running up into Wendy?" He asked, I told him the whole story of what happened. "What!!! you are telling me that you got that close to Wendy!! The Wendy!" He exclaimed. "Yea man I can't believe that retarded dryer interrupted something special I should sell it to the scrap metal organization for screwing me up.

" That's very unfortunate so how are you gonna handle her being our new boss and all isn't that gonna be awkward?" James asked.

"Wait, wait, wait slow down what are you talking about what new boss?" I interrogated.

" So you didn't know you were flirting with our future boss this morning haha, yea Wendy took over today she is our big lord now buddy" James explained. I had no idea Wendy was here for that purpose it caught me totally off guard but I was more excited then ever I thought this could be the break I've always wanted, yes this could be it!!!

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