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~3rd Person P.O.V.~
Mai had went to Ayu to talk for a bit, Tatsu running off to make sure Tetsu was alright. Susumu walked to the kitchen to gather Mai so that Hijikata could talk to her. Ogatsu followed him to make sure that he didn't say anything horrible to Mai...
"I just don't know, Ayu." Mai sighed, Susumu stopping outside the door to listen. "It just seems that he hates me, and for no reason. Least, not a good reason."
"Now, Mai. You should know that he don't hate you." Ayu smiled, stroking the blonde's hair. "He's just, well. He's just having a difficult time expressing that he looks up to you."
"Then why does he say all those crude things? Especially on how useless I've become." Mai muttered, her blue eyes looking to the floor. "I mean, me, you, Ogatsu, and Susumu grew up together. I've always treated him fairly, and at times like a brother."
Outside, Susumu's eyes widened. Did she just call me by my first name? Never had he heard her call anyone by their first name, except for Okita and Okina, and recently the Ichimura boys.
"Well, he's also not used to anyone else treating him like that." Ayu stated, Susumu listening closely. "Least, not directly."
"Are they talkin' 'bout me?" Susumu asked lightly, pressing his ear against the wall next to the door.
"Well, I guess you've a point. I guess that he probably doesn't know how to respond to anyone who treats him as anything but a watcher." Mai said, biting her bottom lip. "Which is saddening."
"Ya know, Mai. I don't think I've seen ya worry about anyone this much, not even Mr. Okita!" Ayu giggled, causing the blonde to flush red, her blue eyes looking to the ground. "Don't tell me you actually care about him?"
"I worry about him, because I see him as a brother." Mai muttered, causing Susumu's eyes to widen. "So, yeah. I do care about him."
"That's, actually reassuring." Ayu sighed happily, Mai looking at the older woman with confusion.
"How's it reassuring?" Mai asked, Susumu curious about the answer too.
"Even if he's put you through hell, you still care about him. That's more than what I can do for him." Ayu replied, Mai looking toward the door. "It's nice to know that someone's looking after him."
"But, you've been looking out for him in a way no one else can." Mai started, then her voice became inaudible to Susumu.
"So you've noticed? Nothing gets passed you, does it?" Ayu asked, almost in a saddened tone.
"Ayu, when you send him on missions, please tell me. Why you? Why not any other disguise?" Mai asked, Susumu not able to understand the question being asked. "It's so you can protect him."
"Hey, Yamazaki!" Tetsu shouted, charging towards the watcher. "Where'd Mai go!? I need to give her a piece of my mind!"
"And what's a little shrimp gonna do to her?" Susumu asked, amused by the kid's outburst.
"Yell at her! She left without telling me!" Tetsu replied, a tear attempting to run down from his eyes, Susumu glancing at the door leading to the kitchen.
Before Susumu could say anything, Tetsu opened the door, seeing Mai and Ayu sitting near the door and away from the kitchen itself. Mai looked at Tetsu, a little surprised, and Ayu just smiled at the boy. Tetsu's eyes glared at Mai's figure, and Susumu watched in the background.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving!?" Tetsu exclaimed, storming up to Mai, his hands trembling in anger.
"Leaving?" Ayu asked, three pairs of eyes now on the blonde, her eyes casted down to the ground, a little to the side.
"Y, yeah. I decided that I wanted to leave for a bit." Mai muttered after a few moments of silence.
"Why?" Tetsu asked, his face reflecting hurt.
"I, because I felt like I was being a burden to everyone." Mai replied, barely audible to everyone.
"Ms. Shinju, you've never been a burden to anyone!" Tetsu yelled, catching the other three off guard. "You've always been nice, even when everyone around me were making fun of me! You've helped everyone, even when you were supposed to be resting!"
"Tetsu." Mai whispered, her eyes reflecting a happy looking sad face.
"You've never crossed anyone as being a burden!" Tetsu shouted, then jumped into a hug with Mai, him burying his face into her chest. "You're important here, like everyone else."
"Seems like you've got quite the touching fan there, Mai." Ayu smiled, Susumu watching with a scowl.
Mai didn't reply to Ayu's comment, as she was too busy (and shocked) at Tetsu's outburst. Her eyes stayed on the small child, her able to hear the quiet sniffling that Tetsu made. Her eyes grew soft, and her arms wrapped around Tetsu.
"I won't be gone long." Mai whispered, her eyes now closed. "It's to give me time to recuperate, on my own."
"Mai, I don't think that's a good idea." Ayu stated. "If you don't take Mr. Hijikata's medicine, who knows what will happen to you?"
"The medicine hasn't exactly helped." Mai sighed.
"Ms. Mai, Mr. Hijikata wants to speak to you." Ogatsu stated, hearing enough of the conversation to think of future plans.
"He does?" Mai asked, looking at her lieutenant. "I'm sorry that I have to cut this short, Ayu, Tetsu."
"It's okay, Mai." Tetsu muttered, sitting up from my lap. "Be careful, alright? And don't leave without telling anyone first!"
"I can't promise anything, but, I'll try." Mai smiled, standing up, then left, seeing that Susumu was standing against the door, his cool eyes watching her, suspicion in his eyes.
With Ogatsu following her, she went to Hijikata's room, where he was supposed to be at. Ogatsu had stayed quiet on the way there, his gold, honey colored eyes in deep thought. Mai was concerned with his behavior, however, she was much more concerned with what Hijikata wanted to talk to her about.
Maybe he really does plan on telling me to leave? But, I mean. If he tells me to leave, then, I guess I'd have to. There's nothing I can do, even if everyone tells me that I'm still an asset to the Shinsengumi.
When they got to Hijikata's room, Mai saw the new recruit in the room, her blue eyes looking at Mai, a friendly smile on her lips. Hijikata looked annoyed, his eyes also on Mai. Mai Sat down beside the recruit, and in front of Hijikata.
"Do you know why I summoned you, Shinju?" Hijikata asked, Mai shaking her head, causing him to sigh. "I've heard that someone told you that you were being replaced by Suno here."
"Yeah, that's correct. But, the older Ichimura brother managed to convince me otherwise. Why do you ask?" Mai asked back, blinking her eyes in confusion.
"Shinju, you are a captain of your own squad. We can't get rid of you, even in your current state. Suno here, is your third seat, and will be your bodyguard, alongside with Okina until further notice." Hijikata stated, Mai's eyes open wide. "Also, Okina. If you'd like to fill Shinju in about what you heard while out looking for her today before she heads to bed. That is all."
"Yes, sir!" Ogatsu bowed, followed by Suno and Mai, all three walking out of Hijikata's room...

I do not own Peacemaker, its characters,or its plot. I own Mai, Leiko, and Ogatsu. Suno (Hana Suno) is owned by GalaxyPegasus1

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