Completely Anonymous

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One thing that Scott never realized, he had gotten fired because he missed so many days due to cramping himself into his bed. He had no money to get himself to Los Angeles, let alone be able to pay for himself while there.

He needed a job and a good amount of money before going, so he immediately went back to Crazy Sweets, but they obviously denied his request.

He had applied to multiple places, because he wouldn't really mind getting two jobs, but no one had gotten back to him.

Scott slowly walks through the mall, hesitantly stopping in front of Crazy Sweets. He takes a deep breath, then walks inside.

"Welcome back, Hoying!" A girl Scott knew as Carlie says. He never really liked her, as she was usually a bitch.

"Where is Sam?" Scott asks, requesting to speak with the manager. She holds up a finger before calling his name. He comes out shortly, and Scott asks to speak with him alone. Sam was a nice guy, but he didn't put up with people's bullshit. If you missed too many days, you'd be fired. But if he knew the circumstances, he may give Scott another chance.

Scott sits on an old couch in his old bosses office.

"If this is about getting your job back, I already said no." Scott nods.

"I know, I just am really broke and I was going through a really, really rough time. It was hard to get up and worry about work. It was just a stress thinking about it." Scott explains, hoping he'd get another chance.

"What if you have more personal issues and skip work days without telling me again? What do I do when I have no one to run the cash register?"

"You won't have that issue anymore. I won't be missing work, I need the money for a good life and I am determined to better myself."

"Scott, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Haven't you heard of second chances? They're wonderful things."


"I'll work everyday if I have to, Sunday through Saturday. I'll also work all day as well. And I won't skip. If I make one slip up, fire me."

"You'll actually work everyday?"

"If it means getting my job back, than yes."

"Okay, Hoying. You're back."


Scott was so happy about what he was doing for himself. He was starting to go back to the gym, start at his job again, and soon, he'd be in Los Angeles as the amazing "new Scott"!

Avi was extremely proud of him too, even if he had to stay at his place. He wasn't really a hassle to live with. He always cleaned up after himself, that is if he even left a mess. Usually he did not.

He slept on the couch and always folded his blankets, and set aside his pillows in a neat order. He always asked permission for eating food that Avi had bought, and also asked if he could store the food in Avi's fridge that he had bought himself.

Avi saw him as a great roommate, even if he was just staying there until he could get himself going by himself again.

Scott had said he wanted to add at least another one thousand to the amount he already had, which was saved in his bank account at about three thousand already. Then he would look for the cheapest plane tickets, which would most likely be around five hundred dollars.

He was so excited to go to Los Angeles, that he looked up details about the flight and the place. It took almost five hours in the plane, with only one stop.

It was a bit of a drive up to the airport, which Scott would have to take an uber to. He sold his car the other day, adding it to his plane ticket funds. He wasn't going to need a car anymore, he'd get a new one once he got to California. Then he could pay for his apartment fees, a car, and maybe have a little extra for himself.

When Scott thought about Los Angeles, he thought about Mitch, and when he thought about Mitch, he thought about their relationship. Scott had convinced himself that they weren't together. So now he had a chance to plan the big "will you be my boyfriend" surprise that he didn't get to do the first time.

What did he want to do? Not tell Kirstie and Mitch that he was coming, then plan the rest later? He definitely would surprise them with his arrival, be hidden in Mitch's room or something when he got back from the store or something like that.

Maybe he could get a thing of flowers, leave it on their table, and leave a note asking it for him, but not giving him who asked it. Then when Mitch walks in his room and sees Scott, he'll be happy and excited and jump into his arms.

No! It wasn't good enough. It didn't have any thought to it, just something off the top of his brain.

He needed to go further in depth, make this moment unforgettable. He didn't want to tell Kirstie, because he wanted to surprise her too.

Then a lightbulb went off in Scott's brain. He immediately thought of it. He would start sending things, starting today. Something cute, with a note complimenting Mitch. He wouldn't say who it is too, or who it's from, so they wouldn't know which one of them it was for. If it said they were for Mitch, then they'd have a good clue that's it's Scott.

If Scott left it completely anonymous, then they'd have no idea.

He opens his laptop and starts typing on google until he reaches a website allowing him to send flowers to someone's door without being in the same place.

He knew the address, because he was supposed to live there too. He quickly types it in, along with a cute note for them to fuss over who it's about.

He adds money, although it didn't seem worth spending it on, it was worth it for Scott

He presses send, and now he waited.

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