Four Unexpected Visitors

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A knock wasn't expected at the Grassi-Hoying-Maldonado household. They hadn't really met anyone who could visit them, and they hadn't ordered anything to be brought to their door.

The three cautiously reach the door, slightly nervous. It was Saturday, so people were normally doing something. Scott was the one to open the door. The other two stood back and waited.

"Holy shit, is that the famous Scott Hoying?" Scott looked beyond confused. Mitch sighed in relief. He had completely forgotten that he invited Zip over for the weekend. He carefully pushes Scott out of the way, pulling Zip into a hug.

"Who is that?" Scott whispers to Kirstie from behind them. "And why is he touching my boy?"

"Don't get jealous, Scotty. I won't take him from you." Zip says and hugs Scott. Scott awkwardly hugs back.

"Don't mind me asking, because I know Mitch can't tell me, but who are you?" Scott asks.

"I'm Zip!" He shouts, like everyone should know.

"Oh. From the Snapchat debacle and texts. I remember. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, I'm glad I finally get to meet you! I've heard SO much about you from our dearest Mitchy." Mitch's face turns red.

"Yeah...Mitchy." Scott says. "Can we have a word?" Mitch reluctantly nods, letting Scott take his hand and lead him away.

The first thing he does was unexpected. He calmly pecks him on the lips. "That was so Zip doesn't get any ideas." Scott says. "But what the fuck?"

Mitch knew how awful this looked. One of their new rules stated: no inviting people without everyone's agreement.

He had invited Zip a long time before Scott was even here, so he didn't check with everyone.

"What happened to the rule-"

"Fuck!" Kirstie yells. The two boys turn around and see a frantic Kirstie and confused Zip. "Did you two not here that? Someone else knocked on the door."

Everyone was confused at this point, no one else should've been here. Kirstie opens the door and all but freaks out.

"SURPRISE, BITCHES!" A very familiar and deep voice yells. She hugs him, but her facial expression wasn't very excited.

"Avi!" Scott yells, running over and tackling him into a hug. The long haired man hugs back with the same amount of enthusiasm. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, I'm seeing my friends. Where's the room I sleep in!"

"You're staying here?" Kirstie asks. Avi nods like it was obvious.

Mitch didn't know how to react. He was happy to see Avi, I mean, who wasn't? But he didn't know how to handle this. Two people? He barely had room for Zip to sleep, let alone Avi.

This meant that Mitch would have to room with either Scott or Kirstie and let Zip or Avi take his room while the other takes the couch.

"Who left the door open?" They hear from behind them. A tall blonde walks in.

"Alex?" Scott asks. Mitch was confused, he thought Scott hadn't been talking to him anymore.

"Hey, Steph!" Alex yells, jumping into Scott's arms. Mitch scoffs, it wasn't exactly what he wanted to see right now. "I'm visiting!"

"Of course you are!" Scott says sarcastically. "What hotel are you staying in?"

"Ummm, this one."

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