Chapter Two

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We stammered through the door, Alex and I laughing our faces off at the events of tonight as Rian, Zack, Vinny, Matt and Danny followed us in, me searching for the light switch to illuminate the hall and sitting room.

"Oh my God, did you see her face?!" I giggled, as I recollected the image of a girl coming up to me at the bar.

She was obviously quite drunk, and in her state, she threw herself at me, after taking a liking to me, I guessed.

She nearly slapped me when I shoved her off of me and I said I wasn't interest but when I said I had a boyfriend her face scrunched up so much I thought she might cry.

"Oh, God, love to see her again," Rian joked.

"That was too funny," Vinny said, wiping his eye as he had laughed so hard he started to cry.

We all sat down around the TV in the sitting room and continued to drink, me rummaging through the back of cabinet and happening to find a bottle of Jack Daniels, Vinny nearly kissing me when I brought it in.

"You are the man," Vinny said, taking the bottle from my hand and taking a swig.

"Hey, I don't want your spit all in my Jack," I tested, Vinny basically just saying 'fuck you' as he took another swig, winking at me with a smirk, me latching it out of his hands and pouring out a generous amount into six shot glasses, passing out one to each of the guys, bar Vinny.

"Hey, where's mine?" he exclaimed.

"You had enough," I said, him standing up and scoffing, him going over to the fridge and getting a bottle of Stella for himself.

We all threw back the Jack, the whiskey warming my throat, and Vinny chugged his cider, him smacking his lips and squinting his eyes at the bittersweet taste.

We sat in the sitting room talking shit for hours. Vinny had claimed the remains of whiskey in the bottle of Jack as his own, and soon we found ourselves outside.

I was a bit slow to what was happening, but Vinny and Danny seemed to be making some sort of ramp.

"You still have your old skate board, right?" Danny said with a gleaming smile, me retrieving it from the garden shed, Danny taking it from me and dropping it down on the little bit of concrete we had in the back garden.

He stood on the board then starting kicking the ground to gain speed, him going toward the small in size ramp, him tripping forward last second, hitting his shoulder off the corner of the ramp. He burst out in a fit of laughter as soon as he hit the floor, the others too, Vinny helping Danny up.

"Awh, shit," Danny said as he glanced at his elbow, a small abrasion on his skin. "Sure, I'll live."

Alex looked to me, rolling his eyes and showing me his famous smile. Good God. That was all it took right now for my pants to grow tight.

We walked back into the house, sitting around the kitchen table for another hour or so just talking shit. Slowly, people starting to leave, Rian and Zack first, then Matt, then Danny, until it was just me, Alex and Vinny.

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna just crash on the couch if you don't mind," Vinny said, his eyes closing as he spoke, him after drinking way too much, him falling onto the couch, his head falling back as he passed out and started to snore obnoxiously loud.

I giggled, drinking the last bit off Jack in the bottle. I then threw all the empty Stella bottles into the now empty box that they came in, tripping over the box on my way back to Alex, me having to admit I was a bit tipsy.

I now remembered that me and Alex were basically alone. I became more aware that it was now 'tonight'.

Oh, I had waited for this moment all day. I had been trying to hide my throbbing pride all evening. I needed him now.

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