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~A week later~

Lizzy was grinning from ear to ear ever since we left her house, excited at the thought of meeting Alice again. She bounced on her seat as she asked me for the nth time, "Is Alice coming?"

I chuckled. "Yes, she is coming. She will be there. Now calm down or you will get your dress all rumpled."

"I can't wait to see her again! It has been far too long since I have last seen her!" She crowded towards my space. "Tell me, how is she?"

"As she stated in her letter, she is doing well."

"Yes! But how is she doing well?"

I guided her back to her seat before any bumps in the road can jostle her. "Perhaps she has the intentions of telling you later."

"She better!"

Lizzy is so happy today that I couldn't help but smile back.

Once the carriage had stopped, I got off first before offering a hand out to Lizzy, which she accepted giddily.

We're going to attend Elian Ocasio's ball, the one we had practiced dancing to a week ago. Why Ocasio's invitations are only sent a week before the actual ball, I would never know—he should be grateful that my and Lizzy's schedules weren't so tight. He should send invitations at least three weeks before the event, as it is the proper way.

Considering the thickening crowd forming, I'd say at least a hundred are going to attend the ball—hopefully we won't be crushed with an incoming tide of party-goers.

Holding Lizzy gently but closely against me, we dived straight towards the mansion, intent on getting into the ballroom first to avoid being trampled on. Sebastian was at my side immediately, dodging every limb of the people and protecting us from some.

He didn't say anything, but I know he'll keep troublemakers away.

As soon as we entered the ballroom, I stared at the decorations around. He did well, for starters—the decors blended well with the white walls of his mansion, and it wasn't too bright nor dark. High arches framed the doors to the large room, and Ionic columns supported the ceiling—it was very much regal-looking. Chandeliers swung high, and the orchestra was playing somewhere we couldn't see.

The thing is, balls are very bright, because of the people's choice of dresses and suits. Well, I'm not really one to complain, since Lizzy looks delighted in her pink gown. Meanwhile, I'm still in a dark colour scheme. She had complained a little, but she soon let me be. Besides, most of the gentlemen here wore black suits.

"Alice!" Lizzy shrieked gleefully at a surprised Alice, who was tensely clutching her fan.

"Lady—Lady Elizabeth!" she exclaimed as Lizzy hugged her modestly. Her lips broke out into a smile as Lizzy pouted.

"It's Lizzy!"

"Of course, Lizzy," she stammered. "I am still not used to calling you with a nickname—forgive me." She happened to glance at Lizzy's dress. "Oh my, you look stunning!"

Funny how her way of speech changed considerably after a week.

Lizzy twirled to show off her dress: silky, blush pink, with the sleeves going down to her elbows, accompanied by gloves that reached no more than her wrists. It was a cute dress, just like how she likes it. Her hair was in the usual hairstyle of pigtails, with a ribbon holding her blonde hair out of her face, except for that one lock.

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