can I meet him

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After we went and bought all my new clothes Jack took me to his house,he showed me around Ireland and we went to the park and looked at ducks in the pond."um Jack,can I ask you a question?" I asked him, he looked at me and walked over to the bench so I followed him"sit down" he said and patted the seat next to him I walked over and Sat down."what you want to ask?" he looked at me confused " its nothing big I was just wondering if....... Well ... If I could meet markiplier.?" I asked. He looked at me " why?" he asked "o pretty plz dad?" I covered my mouth and he looked at me in shock" did you call me dad?" he asked. I stood up and ran as fast as I could "WAIT.....LILLY!" he shouted after me. I just ran and ran. And ran
Jack's pov
I ran after Lilly cause I knew where she was going, she was going to the lake I showed her about an hour or so ago. It felt like hours when I ras running bu j finllygot to the lake..... But she wasn't there,I just Sat by the lake and thought about everything that just happened.she called me dad I thought to myself.
Lilly's pov
I walked through the woods next to the lake, when I found the lake I saw jack sitting by the water. I heard him sniff and knew he was crying and I started to cry too, I walked up behind him and hugged him from behind as I sniffed too " I'm sorry, I just have had bad memories with my real dad." I said crying he turned around and hugged me "like what?" he asked crying into my shoulder."it's betteriijust show you" I said. I pulled away from the hug and rolled up my sleeve on my jacket to reveal a giant knife scare that went to my shoulder to my wrist, Jack gasped "Lilly when did this happen?" he asked " my dad never really liked me a lot " I said looking down " is there anything else he did to you?" he asked " ya but plz don't stare too long it's disturbing" I said. I lifted my shirt to reveal burns here and there on my stomach " o my God" he said and touched one of the burns, I pulled away fast " sorry did that hurt!" he shouted and questioned " no" I said " then what's wrong?" he asked "um the thing is your my dad.......and your....... Touching my stomach" I said " Ya sorry" he said when we realized it was dark we wet back to Jack's place. I took a shower and. Hanged into some pjs and went to bed.that was weird I thought
I'm sorry about the late update but I have school ....... But don't worry scho ends on Monday June 13,2016 for me so bye peeps

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