Anna's Second Text

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Mr. Cane, Mary, Mathew, LordGrantham, Cora, No. 1, LadyEdith, Sybil, Chauffeur, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Suave, O'Brien, Jimbo, Alfie, TheCook, and Daisy have been added to the conversation.

Mr. Suave: I must give you credit, that was quick.

Anna: Comes from all the multitasking.

Mathew: EHEM, multi-TEXTing.

Mr. Suave: Yup right.

Mary: You are so pathetic.

Mr. Cane: So, what was your idea?

Anna: I thought we could play a game!

Mary: Like what?

Anna: Uhm, I didn't get that far...any suggestions?

Mr. Suave: Truth or dare.

Mathew: No, that game is practically deadly.

Mary: Agreed.

Mr. Suave: Alright, fine, how bout would you rather?

Mathew: That's about the same...

Mr. Suave: Fine, you get three passes, if you use them all your out.

Mary: I think that's fair.

Anna: Yes, I'd say so. Alright, who goes first?

Mathew: I will. Would you rather own the best horse in the county, or the best car?

Mary: Horse, I could never give up riding.

Anna: Horse.

Mr. Suave: Car.

Mathew: Car, I'm not a good horsemen. Oh, wait.....a horse would be safer...

Mary: Yessss....

Mr. Cane: Horse.

Mr. Suave: As if you could ride it

Mr. Cane: Long enough to run you down.

Mary: BOYS!

Mr. Suave: Sorry m'lady.

Mary: Sure...anyways, my turn. Would you rather be a farmer or a merchant?

Mr. Suave: Merchant.

Mathew: Hm, I don't know, merchant.

Anna: Farmer.

Mr. Cane: Farmer.

Mr. Suave: And then there is the same problem as before...

Mary: Put a lid on it.

Cora: My turn!

Mathew: Uh, where did you come from?

Cora: Doesn't matter. Would you rather be American with a British accent, or British with a American southern accent?

Mathew: ...Each option is appalling.

Cora: Well, it might be a little odd...

Mr. Suave: American. Then I could fake I was British.

Anna: What do you think, Mr. Bates?

Mr. Cane: What do you think?

Anna: Whatever you think is fine.

Mr. Cane: Well, whatever you think is fine.

Mr. Suave: Just write down a pass for each of them, they'll never decide.

Mary: I would be American.

Mathew: British, a southern accent would be interesting...

Mary: Agreed, though not necessarily in a good way.

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