Chapter 5

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A/N: I wasn't planning on doing this POV but it felt right for the situation. Also it's short plus there is a lot of talking, hope you enjoy!!

-Liam's P.O.V-

"Can I come in?" Someone asked while knocking on my door.

I paused Toy Story and opened the door to find Katie in her pajamas.

This is weird, isn't she suppose to be going to Niall?

"Yeah come in" I held the door opened for her and she curled up on my bed.

I could tell she was nervous.

"Are you tired?" I questioned sitting back down, but I didn't get to close because if Niall walked in he will be jealous.

"Not really. I actually have something on my mind that I could only tell you." She said and looked at me nervously. I gave her a smile and she continued "Well you see I'm...I'm.. In love with two people, my head and heart are thinking differently"

"So you're saying you love Niall and still Beau? I'm guessing?"

" did you know?" She questioned.

"I figured because no one knows about your break up. I saw that girls tweet about it." I told her and that's when I saw that she was crying.

"Look Katie" I said wiping her eyes "Follow your heart. If your heart is saying Beau go after Beau but if it doesn't say Niall then don't lead him on"

"That's the thing" she said looking down "My heart says N.niall but I'm scared. When I said that those things the fans said didn't bother me I lied. When I'm with Beau no one every said any of those things to me."

"Shh it's okay" I wrapped my arms around her and my shirt became soaked with tears. "Just ignore them, my old girlfriend Heather did."

"B.but it's Niall. He hasn't had a girlfriend since and that's why most of them like him more."

"It's not that" I told her. "Just calm down and talk to him tomorrow"

"Thanks Li.." She got cut off by sleep. I laid her down and pulled the cover over her. Niall should be up so I decided I would go talk to him.

I knocked on his door and seconds later he answered it.

"I have to talk to you" I told him going to his bed.

"What is it mate?" He questioned after finishing the cookie he had been eating.

"It's about Katie" I told him and his eyes lit up at the sound of her name.

"W.what about her?" He starched the back of his neck.

"She just talked to me.......... And she is scared to be with you because of the fans." He tensed up a bit. "She came to me and explained it all, she truly loves you and only wants you."

"I feel the same way about her" he smiled "I don't want the fans to hate her or say all those bad things to her it breaks my heart. I.i..... What do I do?"

I put a hand in his shoulder "Tell them all that she is very special to you, that you love her and she's makes you happy"

"I.isn't it a little bit to early to say I love Katie?"

"Do you love her?"

"Very much!" He smiled and so did I.

"There ya go, but talk to her tomorrow" I told him sternly.

"I will thanks mate, I owe you one!"

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