Chapter 6

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My eyes fluttered open when I heard someone opening the door. I sat up, a bit to quick and saw it was Niall.

He had a tray in his hand full of food, not morning food but junk food.

"Morning love!!" He sung in a high voice. He set the tray on my lap and flopped down next to me.

"Morning" I chuckled "What's this for?" I picked up an Oreo and started nibbling on it, I haven't had an Oreo in FOREVER!

He just shurgged and also took an oreo "I just felt like it..... Also I'm taking you out for the day!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so?"

"Yes it is" He replied matching my accent. I laughed at his attempt. "Now once you finish your food, get dressed."

Before I could reply he was already out the door.

I chuckled to myself and looked around at the messy room, I don't remember being a boy. I looked around some more and that's when I realized I was in Liam's room.

I took a bite of everything and set it down, I didn't want to finish it but I'm sure Niall will.

I hopped off the bed and headed towards the guest room. I could hear the boys talking downstairs and I was going to eavesdrop but I'm not like that.

I dug around in the dresser until I found the perfect outfit, since it's cold here I am very limited on what I can wear.

I decided on a hot pink playboy bunny hoodie and just some white skinny jeans. I brushed through my blonde hair and put it in a soc-bun.

After about 10 more minutes I headed down stairs to only find Niall. He was sitting on the kitchen counter eating more Oreos. I chuckled seeing that.

"You ready?" He asked when he saw me. I nodded and grabbed my gloves.

"It's usually warmer this time of the year" He told me when we stepped out. "But at least I have an excuse to hold your hand."

He grabbed my hand and I couldn't help but blush. "You don't need an excuse"

He smiled and we started talking about random things, we even tried to tell some jokes.

"I have one for you" I said after I recovered from a bad joke.

"Say it" he replied.

I laughed before I said it. "What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?"

"What?" He questioned with a smirk.

"Milk and QUACKERS!!!" I exclaimed and we both busted out laughing.

"Quackers" He with a smile. "I have one for you'

"Say it" I copied him.

"What do you call a fake noodle?" He asked and I looked at him crazy.

"I don't know...what?"

"An impasta!" He said laughing really loud. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"That...Was....T.terrible" I said between giggles. "Impasta!"

That sent out a whole bunch of other laughs, but we finally calmed down when we got to a restaurant.

Luckily no one has recongize Niall yet, I don't want anything to ruin this moment.

"I really am having a good time" I stated with a smile.

"I am too Katie" He smiled and placed a kiss on my hand, he was holding over the table. I smiled brightly and went back to meanu.

I was in the middle of eating my pasta when I heard someone say my name, Niall looked towards the voice too.

"Hey Katie"That voice belonged to Beau..

What the hell is he doing here?

Simon Cowells' Daughter (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now